Is there a way to take my Floyd out and put in a fixed bridge? Are there any models out there that utilize the same posts? Thanks....

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To those here with more then 3 guitars , how do u guys mantain so many guitars at once? I mean, changing strings, cleaning em and so on.... wont it be a real big hassle?

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Since P90s are already single coils and are naturally brighter than humbuckers, would an aluminum bridge and tailpiece be overkill? I play a lot or rock and stuff most people would call punk.

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Guys chime in, is it worth selling my Crate VFX5112 and buying one *maybe two* blues juniors? I want an amp that will break up nicely and take pedals well . . . CHIME IN PLEASE GUYS!

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Anyone use/have experience with one of these? And why do they cost $120?? Why is Gibson so annoying like that?

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I wouldnt mind hearing the emg 81, duncan distortion or the jb,. thanx and rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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My AC30 seems to have lost much of it's beautiful reverb after a transport from North- to South-Norway. I tried replacing the reverb tubes, which only helped a little. In addition to this, the reverb is now very noisy. When I carry it around, I can hear the springs rattling inside. Have the springs quot;fallen offquot; or something? If so, how do I fix it?

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i saw that TattooedCarrot has some emg p-90s (p-85s actually) in his PRS soapbar SE so after asking him about them i decided to be a sinner and stick EMGs p-90s in the schecter i traded with xeromus for. here is the not only looks sweet, it sounds killer too!! it's a pair of eg p-85s. this thing sounds killer now...fat, mean and agressive with tons of clarity/articulation even in drop D. i strung it up with a set of 10-52s and played it in E and drop D and it sounds great in both but i think it may now become my main drop D guitar!

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I really like the sound I'm getting from my amp when I'm at a 45 degree angle (the way a mic would be set up). But, when I stand in front of the cabinet (slanted, with V30s) it sounds thin. Would a Weber Beam Blocker help to make the amp sound good at every angle? Would the 45 degree angle sound change drastically? Thanks!

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