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On Monday, milkbone was nice enough to let us know about MF closing out Korg Ampworks for $49. I had been looking for something to practice through late at night, so I jumped on it. I figured that for $50, it would work even if it semi-sucked. Well, it got here this afternoon and let me tell you...

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Ok, so i have an jap 1983/87 fender strat. The pick up's are ok, i'll probably put them in my Yamahaa. But, I want to replace thepick ups in my strat with Alnico 2's in the Middle and Neck, and a lil 59' on the bridge.
Would this be right? or should i put the 59' in the middle??

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Custom Custom in their Gibson or Gibson style (i.e. Hamer studio/monaco/standard, Tokai paulas, etc) guitars.

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Well, i know i have the silvertone, but the sale is not really final yet, anyways my parents want me to look around around pawnshops/used equipment and crap, so i figured why not, if i can't find anything better i am gonna buy the silvertone, what are some good amps for anyhing from gov't mule style rock(alot lately) to as heavy as black sabbath, if ya want more detail look in the signature, thanks, p.s my budget is pretty low, like 300$ cad, but hey ya never never know, the silvertone is only gonna cost me 200$

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Has anyone tried the Tech 21 Trademark 2x12 cabinet? Any opinions? It's got a nice price tag on it.

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The Gibson faded finishes? I've hear normal polish is a no-no?

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Okay this is bugging me. Do old AC/DC songs use something other than A440 tuning? I ask becuase there's songs that I know I have the right chords down, like highway to hell, but they just sound....off. Like not really a half stop down but somewhere inbetween. Its weird. I noticed this with other older songs like let there be rock too. What I am doing wrong and/or anyone know what they're tuning to? My guitar is in tune and intonated. I don't like sound...off!

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I tried this amp out in a shop today... yeah it really does sound that good.

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What color is this Super D?

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I keep getting Eppiphone guitars with broken necks.... I buy them from local area stores for about the same rough value of the hardware on the guitar and then fix them up.... Last time i got a cherry red Les Paul Standard that the headstock was broken.... I glued it back together and use it around the house.... I have to refret it oneday as there is a hump in the fingerboard but after a serious dress it does play again but feels funny as there is almost no fret left at the 3rd fret....

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hi guys.i'm considering trying out a 59 bridge in my basswood ibanez rg565 w/all maple neck amp; fretboard.i was wondering what the mids are like on this pickup? are they upper mids,lower mids or an equal amount of both? i've got a screamin' demon pickup in this guitar now that was recently installed.the highs are good and love the quot;cabinet thunkquot; ample amount of bass and the lower mids growl thing.i'm not really into the heavy crunch tone,though.it seems a little quot;fuzzyquot;(for lack of a better term)sometimes.i seem to like my overall tone to be smooth,instead.the demon reminds me of the full shred but with less of the crunchy/chainsaw and a little more bass and top end highs.then again,i don't like the upper mid spike(like the jb model) to be the dominent mid content either.as long as it fits the guitar where i can do anything from vh/dokken/schenker/floyd-type hard rock to king diamond/savatage/exodus/early metallica-type metal.from chugging chords, great harmonics amp; clarity to shredding,tapping,sweeps etc...well-what do you guys think? thanks!

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Well,I hate to do this,but here it goes

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Im fairly new to quot;stratsquot; I have a MIM body that I put an older charvel 6 point trem on.,..fit perfect. I recently got a 80s Squier with the quot;fat trem blockquot; and fender stamped saddles....Its too wide for my body! The mount screws are too wide, the block will not fit on the charvel plate and the saddles are too wide to fit the charvel plate without quot;fanningquot; even straight up they would almost put the strings hangin over the edge of the fretboard!
Now most of this would not surprise me if I wasnt using a FENDER MIM Body...Did fender perhaps use different bridge widths? Yes I need some schooling! Thanks

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Plus the 4X12 cab which are both in great condition.

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Well right now I'm studying management with Operations management at Heriot Watt university in Edinburgh. My mom just told me that she thought it wasn't for me and that I needed some manual since I was always touching my guitar and doing things to it... And well I've been playing for 6 months now but I just love the instruments, I'm buying another one in a few minutes (leaving to get it right after I post this, I'll post pics of it whenever I can). A lot of people probably will say 'wow that's soon for another guitar' and to a certain extent I agree, the only thing I can do very good is pinch harmonics Don't ask me to play the major scale at anything faster than 70 bpms, I don't know many solos... well I'm quite your typical-never-had-lessons beginners. But I just love the instruments... And I was thinking, eh maybe my mom is right ya know... If I could stop studying management and move on to guitars. Unfortunately here in Europe a beater guitar is at least 200 euros (The Charvel 1a I'm getting is this price and that's the reason I'm getting it: cheap great guitar) and money is an issue.
What's a good thing to start with? I have both of Dan Erlewine's books, I already did some adjustements on the model 4 and I'm about to learn how to take care of a maple fretboard too.

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I am lookink for a neck pickup to compliment the Distortion in the bridge of my RG. This guitar is primarily a metal shred machine played thru a high gain amp. Which of these two pickups will better handle metal toned lead work?

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Okay...I'm looking for a TUBE AMP with nice gain quality (classic rock / metal) that I don't have to crack up to full blast! I'm looking for this amp for my home so thats why I don't want something that will need to be too loud to get good gain quality.

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That is the case. I looked at guitarnuts.com and it says that I am probally discharging a cap but, it goes into talking about the cap between the bridge ground and the signal ground that is used to keep a defective amp for shocking the crap out of you, which I am not even using.

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well, I got a PG in the neck of my basswood tele right now, and i like it a lot, except it can be kinda muddy at times, so i'm wondering what a PG set in a double fat strat would sound like?

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