I am interested and most likely buying a Schecter C-1 Exotic. The pickups that come in it as Super Rock II's, but I am probaly going to change these to some s. I liked to have a SH-2N Jazz at the neck humbucker, and a SH-4 JB at the bridge, but would like to know pairs of humbuckers that would work good with this guitar to make it more versatile.
What are y'alls suggestions/comments?
Thanks alotFirst off, welcome to the forum.
We need somemore informatoin to make better suggestion. We need to know what kind of music you play(any certian tones you'd like to hit?) what amp your using and stuff like that.
well I play many types of music, classic rock to blues to metal/rock shred, and in this guitar I really want lots of room to spread out and get lots of sounds out of it. Really would like to have a good blues tone, because i love the blues. but still let it cover great distortion and an awesome jazz sound.
I have a BOSS Me-50 and a Line 6 Spider II 112 Combo.
Thank you so much for the help
Deffinatly a Jazz model in the neck(that puppy can to metal lead wook good, don't be fooled by the name)
and either a JB, Distortion, or Custom for the bridge.
awesome, well i was looking at all the pickups at , and the description for the SH-4 JB says like from heavy blues to heavy rock(what i was sorta looking for) and also that it pairs well with the Jazz pickup, which is Seymours favorite combo....and i wanted to know if it is still a good pick up and not just over rated
but my main question is, is it hard to put them in yourself, or would it be alot better to take it to a guitar shop to let them do it for you?...and also if i put those in there, will I still be able to tap both of the humbuckers to resemble single coils?
Thanks alot
Originally Posted by TRESSLEawesome, well i was looking at all the pickups at , and the description for the SH-4 JB says like from heavy blues to heavy rock(what i was sorta looking for) and also that it pairs well with the Jazz pickup, which is Seymours favorite combo....and i wanted to know if it is still a good pick up and not just over rated
but my main question is, is it hard to put them in yourself, or would it be alot better to take it to a guitar shop to let them do it for you?...and also if i put those in there, will I still be able to tap both of the humbuckers to resemble single coils?
Thanks alot
1)The JB is an EXTREMELY versitle pickup. It CAN and WILL handel ANYTHING from country to death metal(givin the right rig). IMO the JB is an amazing pickup, but some people (*cough*theodie*cough*) disagree
2)I personally have no expirence installing pickups, sorry.
k thanks alot this has helped out alot, i think i'm going to get those in there later on..
are those very good lead pickups in your opinion?? and do you know if i could still tap them after putting them in the schecter??
sorry, these are my last questions
Yes you can tap them, both of those pickups sound very good tapped, especially the JB. It has a very stratty tone actually, I use it tapped for Hendrix type stuff. I have a JB in my Schecter blackjack and it can be a bit trebly sometimes but it is very versitile and gets awesome screaming leads when cranked. I have limited experience with the Jazz as I have only tried it on a Schecter C-1 classic that I played once but it seems to be a very good pickup, great cleans and very articulate solos.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Schecter C-1 Exotic Pickup Help