I've been researching the SCO today, and from the reviews I read it sounds similar to the OCD only more over-the-top. Does anyone have both pedals to give a comparision?
I've heard that the SCO was designed with Kyuss in mind, so that should give you an idea.
I like Kyuss and was listening to them a lot at about the end of developement of the SCOD. It wasn't made due to Kyuss or anything like that. The concept of the SCOD was more of a sound I had been aiming for for years. I didn't quite nail 'that sound' (who ever does?) but did achieve something very unique AND pleasing so I decided it is a pedal I could feel great about releasing. I aimed for the moon and landed amongst the stars I guess, cause everybody who plays one says the same thing I say. The SCOD makes a 10 minute noodling session quickly pass into an hour. Any piece of gear that can make a person play more and have fun is a good product in my oppinion!
The SCOD was released months to a year before the OCD. Though I haven't sold 3000 SCOD's like Fulltone has of the OCD! Namesake simularity is coincidence and probably the extent to where the pedals are alike. So I don't want to have folks thinking the SCOD is a substitute for any other box! BTW I really love the sound of the SCOD with my SD JB Bridge.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Can Anyone Compare OCD vs Catalinbread SCO