
i finally got my viper in and i love its wonderful to play its definately unmatched quality for its price the tone control works exeptionally well im used to tone knobs when lowering not manipulating tone as much as it usually kills it so this was a treat my only complaint about this axe is i would change the neck pickup emg 81 seems too harsh for my taste although perfect for bridge. when my 3 year warranty is over im gonna get emg 60s i think and maybe give it a new paint job

i was told that emgs dont come bridge neck specific but the emgs have the emg inscription silver on bridge and gold on the neck is there any reason behind this

i thought 81s had silver, 85 had gold... maybe tahts cuz i was lookin at the ZW set tho... where the 81 was bridge and 85 was neck

81 = Silver.
85 = Gold.
60 = Grey.
89 = Red.Aside from the review being one giant sentance, this only increases my GAS for a Viper 407.

IMHO Ltd 400 and 1000s are underrated axes. some pple like em some dont. i like em !!! congrats on the purchase!

Could you tell about the feel o fthe viper while your playing it... feel of the neck, well balanced... this kind of stuff???

ESP makes some great stuff. Great quality, workmanship, and price. too bad my screaming demon/jazz combo killed my taste for EMGs. They sounded so bad (compared to the new duncans) that i'll probably never buy another guitar with them....

Originally Posted by ksmith63ESP makes some great stuff. Great quality, workmanship, and price. too bad my screaming demon/jazz combo killed my taste for EMGs. They sounded so bad (compared to the new duncans) that i'll probably never buy another guitar with them....

ESPs come with duncans too. mostly JB/59 tho. i like it.

Originally Posted by pac112ESPs come with duncans too. mostly JB/59 tho. i like it.

wow. last i checked (too long ago i guess ) only one or two esps came with duncans. They seem to have come out with tons of cooler stuff since then and lots more with duncans. glad to see that since my recent SD epiphany.

i swear it has a gold neck pickup. do u think they f-d up and gave me a wrong pickup. i can feel the diffrence in this guitar extremely comfortable. i feel i play better with this guitar too.

I'd take a Viper 400 over like a SG Special or Epiphone any day...congrats dude.


i looked at the zoomable picture at musicians friend and both emgs are silver. So i called up musicians friend and i think i know more their products then they do. So i called up emg and asked for a confirmation on what that pickup would be and they sed it definately is an 85 would any of u have it changed back to an 81

Originally Posted by Empty PocketsI'd take a Viper 400 over like a SG Special or Epiphone any day...congrats dude.


I got a Viper 400 a while ago to cure my GAS for an SG standard. I already had the SG faded for some time before that and hoped it would feel/sound the same... after a while the body started to feel heavier, and the neck wasn't as comforatble to play. I eventually picked up a SG standard anyways. The SG's just seems to be more comfortable, lighter and more natural to play. Can't really compare the tone tho, since they have very different pups, but the SG can do whatever the Viper can do , but better... The Viper wasn't as versatile sound wise. I really missed having separate tone and volume controls for each pup. Jammin' on the SG just flows... Jammin' on the Viper was a different experience... I hardly play the Viper now since its been replaced by the SG standard...

I would hardly call the Viper 400 underused, it seems every screamo band out today uses them, or gibson sgs, it's rediculous.


The Anniversary viper model comes with 81/85 combo and the EC comes with 81/60 forest comes with 81-combo...yeah...just wanted to let you know.

Originally Posted by FELIX57i swear it has a gold neck pickup. do u think they f-d up and gave me a wrong pickup. i can feel the diffrence in this guitar extremely comfortable. i feel i play better with this guitar too.No, check the ESP site. It says 81/85. Musiciansfriend has an old picture up.

Personally, I think the 85 kicks the living **** out of the 81 in the bridge, and sounds killer in the neck, as well.

WHOA!!! since when did they switch it to the 85? must've been for this model year...well, that changes everything! lol

If the 81 is too harsh in the bridge try switching it with the 85 (85 bridge 81 neck). this is easy because of the quick connect thing. also if you want good neck tone try out the 60.

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