
Hails guys.
this is a VERY Simple Request.
first request : EMG 81 playing this riff : Mayhem-freezing Moon . Open riff.
Lo fi streaming from : localhost/fi streaming from : localhost/ from : localhost/request : Some Sweeps with the EMG 60 NECK. with a lot of distortion PLease.
i´m asking that because i own 85/81 but not installed them. so i want to decide, if i dislike 81 in the neck or 85 in the neck, i´ll have to choose another one, and probably will be EMG 60, since 89 is the same with the 85,but with a Split mode Enabled, RIGHT?

Hmmm weird song request for an 81. I'm sure it would sound much cleaner than the mayhem version.

Yah, the IDEA Here is to (since erlend sent me the EMG 85 with this same riff) compare the mids, highs and Lows of both pickups.

hey with full distortion , those clips sound like ass , i already downloaded audacity , tonite after work ill try to record some clips with the emg 81 bridge , im just gonna use the computer mic , so its not great quality clips , but sure they sound a hell of alot better than thoseBTW wfd , the 81 is a metal machine on the bridge man , you should throw it there man

btw heres one that screaming daisy posted sounds killer
from : localhost/

Hails Rombola
ahahaha man i recorded THE CLIPS WITH THE SAME PROGRAM, AUDACITY. and it definitely DIDN´T work with the guitar plugged DIRECT into the soundcard. ahaha I ADVISE YOu.
i´ll record better clips, and with amps
but you like the playing:?
COmment on THEM

Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONHails Rombola
ahahaha man i recorded THE CLIPS WITH THE SAME PROGRAM, AUDACITY. and it definitely DIDN´T work with the guitar plugged DIRECT into the soundcard. ahaha I ADVISE YOu.
i´ll record better clips, and with amps
but you like the playing:?
COmment on THEM

i can see the chops you got man, its just the audio quality that sucks

Thank´s MAN

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