A couple of nights ago I fitted my new Twangbanger (well 2nd hand..), and I noticed that the black and white wires on the pickup were opposite to the SSL-1's already fitted to my Legacy. I soldered the black to earth and the white to the switch, on the same points that the original bridge pup had occupied. I finally got a chance to try it tonight, admittedly through headphones, and although it sounds fine on its own, when in pos'n 4 (ie with middle pup) it sounds very thin. Everything else is ok, if a tad noisy. I suspect the noise may be down to my attempt at sheilding the route not being entirely successful.
Do I just need to swap the 2 wires around to get my pos'n 4 sound back? There were no such probs with the SSL-1 in the bridge. I hope it's that simple cos the Twangbanger rocks on it's own!!
Any help would be greatly received. Thanks
Here's the cure:
1. reverse the white and black wires of the Twangbanger and make white ground and black hot...connect black to the switch instead of white.
2. go underneath the Twangbanger and replace the bare wire that connects the black wire to the bassplate with one that connects to the white terminal instead, since white will now be ground for the Twangbanger.
All will be right with the world when you're done...or at least your pickups will be in phase!
Originally Posted by LewguitarHere's the cure:
1. reverse the white and black wires of the Twangbanger and make white ground and black hot...connect black to the switch instead of white.
2. go underneath the Twangbanger and replace the bare wire that connects the black wire to the bassplate with one that connects to the white terminal instead, since white will now be ground for the Twangbanger.
All will be right with the world when you're done...or at least your pickups will be in phase!
I was all over this one Lew,but you beat me to it!
So yeah....Do what Lew said...
Nah...do what John said. What'd you say anyway????
Who's who again? Thanks guys, from what you've said the bassplate needs to be connected to ground, right? I actually think that the white wire did have the connection to the bassplate. Should've rang the ol' alarm bells!
Originally Posted by stevie_beesWho's who again? Thanks guys, from what you've said the bassplate needs to be connected to ground, right? I actually think that the white wire did have the connection to the bassplate. Should've rang the ol' alarm bells!
Not if it was stock...only if someone changed it.
I'll let you know how it goes.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Have I wired my Twangbanger wrong?