The Gibson faded finishes? I've hear normal polish is a no-no?
I use three things, in this order: hot breath, spit, and if necessary, Meguiar's Quick Detailer mist (auto detailer stuff). That's not specific to any particular finish, but I've found those things to be more safe than other alternatives for any finish.
Thanks Rob...I reckon you get that meguiars stuff at an automotive store?
what about the spit? where can I buy that?
Some guys use something called quot;Flitzquot; and buff it out with a rag. This will give you a nice shiny finish, instead of the satin.
hmmmm....we use to use that on firearms...I would be a bit hesitant I think to use that..unless they make different types of flitz?
This is what you want (Products, second one down), this is what you get. It will not harm your finish. It's a polish.
Yea thats the stuff...hmmm...mebbe I'll give it a whirl...
Here are some pics of it used on an Epi G-400 with a matte finish.
- Dec 10 Fri 2010 21:02
Anyone know what cleaner/polish to use on...