VSBoth of these are very nice cabs. The Bogner is more quot;in your facequot; and loud. Both have Vintage 30s. Both are very heavy and well built. I already reviewed the Mesa in detail so more on the Bogner.
目前分類:title (6014)
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
PICS! 2X12 Cab Reviews Mesa vs. Bogner
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
FS EBAY: Parts, Pickups, Guitars...
i got a couple guitars, some parts, and a couple pickups on ebay.
if anyone here is interested in anything just PM me.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Another SX Tele question
Sorry about asking so many questions about so cheap an instrument...
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Fernandes Ravelle (Dave Kushner)
The new Ravelle Elite, Deluxe amp; Dave Kushner Signature sure looks cool, but how do they sound amp; play?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
anyone try a fishman powerbridge?
I'm gassing for the tune-o-matic variety myself...anyone with experience with Fishmans?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Got My Custom Made Chassis (Pics)
I Just had this chassis custom built for me. The 2204 MV curcuit is coming out of the Laney (Pictured below) The stock PCB is going back in the Laney.I have a 2x12 cab that I've had for years. So I'm think'in this is gonna look and sound good sitting on that Cab. All I need now is a couple of transformers,Some jacks and switches and tubes... And a head box.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
saving cheep necks
My understanding that cheep necks might twist and warp due to not being properly dried out before having a finish applied to them.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Fret leveling
In a recent thread I started about when to replace frets, Lew mentioned levelling frets before replecing them. What is this and can I do it myself?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Awesome amp sampler site.
I don't know if this has been posted before but this site is really cool, it lets you compare all kinds of different desirable amps with a strat and a les paul with clean and dirty settings through an appropriate cab. from : localhost/it out!
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Physical differences among magnets?
Are there any? Is there some sort of way to tell between an Alnico 5 vs. Alnico 2, Ceramic, whatever with merely a visual inspection? Is there anything stamped on them? Different colors??
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Traynor YCV50Blue first impressions-f#%#in' A!
This thing kicks a##! UPS rumbled up today. The blue is darker than the pictures I've seen - I like it. The first thing you notice-or I should say not notice is any hiss or hum. Extremely quiet. I'll use the YCV80 for comparison because I had that amp for about a year. This one is 'British' voiced with 2 EL34's. The YCV80 came stock with Sovteks which I immediately replaced with JJ's. However the YCV50 has Electro-Harmonix EL34EH's which I think are an upgrade-you tube guys will have to confirm that.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Q's about Korean PRS with P-90's.
My local music store is now carrying PRS guitars. Played a white, Korean made one with P-90 pickups. The model is the SE Soapbar II. The workmanship, finish, fretwork, feel and all around playability was nothing short of outstanding. Great action with no fret-buzz at all. I've been wanting to explore a P-90 equipt guitar and this is a definate possibility. But like all my other gear purchases, I believe in doing my homework before buying. Does anybody here have any experience with one of these? Any and all info is appreciated. Thanks.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
JB SH-4 bridge pickup in neck postion?
hey guys,
I have a chance to get the Duncan JB Sh-4 bridge pickup for real cheap, and comes with a golden cover too, which is exactly what i need.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Neck strength on Vintage ES330's amp; ES335's...
I was wondering if anyone has experience with ES330's or ES335's, especially those vintage models from the 60's 70's and perhaps as recent as 1981.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Neck single for kramer?
I got my kramer focus 3000 last week(alder body, ofr) , with a duncan custom in the bridge.
I would like to replace the stock single in the neck position, but with what?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
aNY NEW duncan pickups next year ?
Hails Guys.. i want to know if Mr Seymour will plan to release or RETIRE ANY NEW humbuckers?
I WOULD like to see a Tighter bass version of the CC.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
GAS got the best of me yesterday....came home with new GEETAR!
I've been wanting to get a nice Strat for a while now and pulled the trigger yesterday at my local mom and pop music store. It's a standard burst finish fat strat with rosewood fb, brand new '05 that I got for $350. I traded in my Agile and got about as much for the trade in as I would have gotten selling it on ebay. I'll have to post pictures later. It really resonates well and the neck is VERY nice especially for a mexican strat. Now for the fun....Mod time! All suggestions are appreciated. I do think that I will take it back to a SSS configuration. I was thinking a brown shell pickguard, parchment knobs, switchtip and pup covers. I will do a complete shielding ala Guitarnutz.com, it really works well. Now for the pups.......I love hot vintage tones so suggest away.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Please help with wiring question.
I just bought a Little '59 for Strat SL59-1b for the bridge of my Highway One Strat. The Wiring diagram is a little vague. I understand all the solder connections except the Red and White as I understand it I need to solder them together and insulate them quot;they do not get connected to anything but each otherquot;? Also any gotcha’s
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
How can you tell if a tube is bad?
I pulled my GA-30 out of the closet for the first time in awhile, and I plug it in, plug the guitar in, give the tubes time to heat up, start getting hum, I'm just thinking quot;Ok, it's a really old amp, cant be perfectquot;. So I start to strum and I got nothin. Tried all the other inputs (there's 3 for instruments and 1 for a microphone) and I still got nothing. I'm not sure if it's the tubes, since all the bigger ones lit up (2 brighter than the other, but the other did light up) or if all the inputs went bad (which I seriously doubt, I mean, all of 'em?). So, if you guys could help me out, that'd be great. Also, what are the big tubes called and what are the little tubes called? Sorry for my ignorance on tube amps, but I just got this one not too long ago and havnt learned much about tube amps yet
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
. FS: Black Duncan Jazz N, DD, TB-4 (Trade for 81?)
Alright guys, need to sell these.