This thing kicks a##! UPS rumbled up today. The blue is darker than the pictures I've seen - I like it. The first thing you notice-or I should say not notice is any hiss or hum. Extremely quiet. I'll use the YCV80 for comparison because I had that amp for about a year. This one is 'British' voiced with 2 EL34's. The YCV80 came stock with Sovteks which I immediately replaced with JJ's. However the YCV50 has Electro-Harmonix EL34EH's which I think are an upgrade-you tube guys will have to confirm that.
Also, this one comes stock with a Vintage 30. It's very smooth and really makes one aware of deficiencies in one's equipment. My Strat sounds great but my Samick really shows its need for upgrades through this amp-I really notice how bad the tuners are (won't stay in tune) and how the stock pups are lacking. Gives me more reason to get a Hamer!The footswitchable boost is very useable giving not only a gain boost but also a very noticeable decibel boost. The boost on the YCV80 tended to get muddy with the gain higher. This YCV50 remains very definable with the boost on and the gain maxed.
Traynor has done a great job with this new model and I gotta go and play some more!
Crap I was afraid you were going to say that. I'm gonna have to see if I can try one out sometime now.
Ha! Next time you travel thru SoCal shoot me a pm and we'll make arrangements!
Originally Posted by SoCalSteveHa! Next time you travel thru SoCal shoot me a pm and we'll make arrangements!
I've been interested in those things since I first heard about them.
Who's a Traynor dealer in the LA area? I see them all the time on the internet, but rarely see them in any stores. I think I'd be inclined to buy a Traynor over most modern Fenders, for sure. I'm glad to hear that your new amp sounds better than any other affordable EL-34 amp. I've become a much bigger fan of EL-34's in the past few years.
Originally Posted by GearjoneserWho's a Traynor dealer in the LA area? I see them all the time on the internet, but rarely see them in any stores. I think I'd be inclined to buy a Traynor over most modern Fenders, for sure. I'm glad to hear that your new amp sounds better than any other affordable EL-34 amp. I've become a much bigger fan of EL-34's in the past few years.That's a very good question. You'd think that GC would carry them since their sister company MF does. I bought mine online knowing the quality of the previous Traynor I had. Oh yeah, in my review I forgot to mention that it has a master volume. In fact that was a huge selling point for me.
I think it's funny that a company (Yorkville? Traynor) can come out with a less expensive amp than both Fender AND Marshall, and beat'em both at their own game.
They even look cooler!
crap. Look at that price! I have to get one now.
(thanks for the review, by the way, I've been scouting out these things for awhile!)
Originally Posted by GearjoneserI think it's funny that a company (Yorkville? Traynor) can come out with a less expensive amp than both Fender AND Marshall, and beat'em both at their own game.
They even look cooler!
You know, I was really put off by the fact that the Marshall DSL401's are going for over $1000 now and this one has a Vintage 30 and EH EL-34's for about $400 less.
TRAYNORS RULE!!!!!!!! ....hehehe, just another proud owner. (although not the YCV50)
Another proud Traynor owner here!
i was blown away at how good the ycv40WR was
clean channel was excellent and the lead channel (though not able to get into that modern terriroty) did a nice vintage lead damn well
for the brice its kinda hard to beat
and it was miles better than the dsl401 which i though was buzzy and sterile and just not worth the money
Originally Posted by GearjoneserI think it's funny that a company (Yorkville? Traynor) can come out with a less expensive amp than both Fender AND Marshall, and beat'em both at their own game.
They even look cooler! 1 here! This Owl is VERY impressed with Traynor's ability to put the best parts of a Fender Deluxe and a Marshall Plexi in one amp and make it VERY affordable!! If they want an owlish endorser, they got one right here!
I had the 40 WR and had to sell it. Clean was perfect, distortion wasn't. I hated to get rid of it but I've been keeping my eye open on the 50. I just need to hear some clips!
I have played Brisks 40W traynor and it is one of the best amps I have ever heard. Everytime we get togeather to jam, I get some serious gas for one!!!!
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Traynor YCV50Blue first impressions-f#%#in' A!