Hey guys.
In my thread asking about low wattage amps, a number of people mentioned that I should also consider buying a power attenuator to use with my current amps instead of buying a new, low watage amp.
What are my options when it comes to power attenuators?
I need something than can handle 30, 60w and 100w valve amps, be ohmage switchable (between 8/16 ohms would be fine) and not totally kill the tone of the amp
The 3 options I've found so far are:
from : localhost/know there's also the THD Hotplate to consider, but they're not ohmage switchable so I'd have to buy both an 8ohm and a 16ohm unit.
Thanx for any help and advice
I hear the Dr. Z is great.....but I've had 2 Weber MASSes amp; they work very well. Fully optioned out for /- $200.00 is the best bang for buck, IMHO
The airbreak is great, but does somthing wierd to the tone IMO... can't quite put my finger on it. I'd tell you to try one first.
The marshall i've heard too many horror stories about.
Havn't heard the weber mass, but i've heard good things.
I like the thd hotplate sounds great. No problems yet.
Tom Scholz Power Soak. 4, 8, and 16 ohm modes with several different attenuation settings.
Thanx for the posts guys.
I too have heard alot of bad things about the Marshall Powerbrake, so I won't be getting 1 of those.
Chances are I'll be ordering the unit from the USA, so trying 1 out beforehand probably won't be an option
I've always heard good things about the Weber Mass, so I'm kinda leaning more towards 1 of those currently.
Depending how I like my JTM60 combo after it's been repaired, I may just sell it and buy the low wattate amp like I originally thought
Craig...do NOT and I repeat do NOT buy a Marshall Power Break or a Tom Scholz Power Soak...both of those attenuators are the same design and IMO are VERY harmfull to your amp. The Weber Mass is a great quot;bang for the buckquot; Attenuator but there are better attenuators out there. The THD is a good attenuator but as you stated really only works it's best with it's quot;setquot; impedence. The Dr.Z is a clone of Trainwreck Airbrake which is (IMO) the second best attenuator out there. If you want the best attenuator that money cab buy get the Kendrick attenuator...When you could buy a Trainwreck Airbrake is was built by Kendrick, when Kenny Fisher allowed Dr.Z to build the Airbrake as well Kewndrick dropped it and started making it's own version of it...it's real close to the Dr.Z but it does sound far better on real attenuated settings. The Dr.Z sounds great on mild settings but if you really want to run it down low the Dr.Z doesn't sound so good, however the Kendrick sounds great on all levels of attenuation. It does cost a bit more but well worth it IMO. Also, the Kendrick will work with amps up to and over 100 watts...the Dr.Z is rated at 100 watts but a 100 watt CAN blow up the Dr.Z, the Kendrick is rated at 150 watts. All that said, the Weber is by far the best value and the THD is a step up from there is one impedence is enough and if you want the best of the best the Kendrick is the way to go if you can afford it.
Weber. Multi ohm setting alone, not to metion real speaker operation in MAss.
According to Ed Degenaro, you can safely use a 16 ohm hotplate with both 8 and 16 ohm outputs. Since Ed is a THD employee, I'm inclined to take his word for it.
I own both the Hotplate and the MASS and like both. If I were taking my attenuator out to gigs, I'd take the THD because it seems to be better built. I had a MASS arrive DOA from Weber with stuff rattling around in it.
The Weber gear I have had has held up very well. The new mass is especially nice it seems to me, and the speaker element does aide some with tone. So I would say it will really be a perference thing.
Thanx for the posts guys.
That Kendrick Attenuator does look great, but I'm afraid it's out of my price range for the forseeable future
Aleclee, thanx for that link to the thread on the Gear Page. I don't wanna sound like a dunce, but I didn't entirely understand everything that was mentioned in that thread about mis-matching the Hot Plate and amps/speakers.
At the minute, I'm considering taking 'the easy way out' and going for the Weber Mass as it's more or less affordable to me at the minute, and it has the switchable ohmage settings. Which wouldn't give me anything to worry about and I wouldn't risk blowing up my amp if I didn't mis-match my gear in the correct way
The Kendrick is not cheep which is why I do not have one!
The mass is great but just keep in mind you CAN pop it with a 100 watt amp...
Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99I hear the Dr. Z is great.....but I've had 2 Weber MASSes amp; they work very well. Fully optioned out for /- $200.00 is the best bang for buck, IMHO
I like the Weber Mass too. I have one that's all quot;tricked outquot; too. I can't crank my 50 watt Marshall to quot;10quot; and then use the Mass to make it sound like a 2 watt amp though...it'll sound thin and grainy and fizzy. But for bringing down the volume of a quot;super loudquot; amp to a quot;reasonablequot; stage or practice volume its great. Lew
Thanx for the new posts Lew and TGWIF.
I'll mainly be using the attenuator I get to tame my JTM60 and Orange amps for recording, and for making my 100w twin channel JCM800 head useable at gigs!
I won't be using the attenuator to lower the amps to practise levels, as I realise that'll kill the tone
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Help me with Power Attenuators