
I just got a used Invader, cause the price was right. I've always thought the Invader sounded too muddy, and after installing it in my Ibanez (which is quite bright) I still believe the same thing.
So I want to try some pickup modification on this thing. I would like to try putting an A5 magnet in it to make it sound more like a JB, or possibly remove some of the 3 Ceramic magnets to make it more like a Distortion.
I have never disassembled a humbucker before, and I want to know if there are any spacers I will need to make these conversions.

Has anyone here ever modded a duncan Invader? If so any, suggestions would be helpful.

There's a simple quot;modquot; you might want to try before switching magnets. Take a look at the second pic in this thread:

from : localhost//forum/

I've been trying to get the quot;updatequot; to that thread done, but I need to record some clips, and I'm still having troubles with my soundcard.

In the second pic, ignore the potentiometer. Make it a 500k resistor instead. So, its just a .01uf cap in parallel with a 500k resistor, tied in series, between the red and white wires. So far, I've done it to a 59 neck, and a Distortion neck. The results are outstanding. Just removes the typical neck-mud from both those pups. Its a nice, subtle affect.

I'll try to get the update post done this weekend.


sweet mod artie!!! =)

Thanks Artie, I'll try it out as soon as you get that update posted.

I started with just a magnet swap. I put the spacers and magnet from an Ibanez quot;super 58quot; in the invader. I think it's an A5. It changed the tone, there's less low end and overall power, but it's still real dull compared to the SD '59. I'm going to try it anyway, but does anyone think changing to regular sized pole pieces will give it more clarity.

Just get a full shred Honestly, I think it's pretty similar to an invader, but brighter. The output level won't be much lower. The FullShred has a stock A5 magnet.

Originally Posted by ArtieTooThere's a simple quot;modquot; you might want to try before switching magnets. Take a look at the second pic in this thread:

from : localhost//forum/

I've been trying to get the quot;updatequot; to that thread done, but I need to record some clips, and I'm still having troubles with my soundcard.

In the second pic, ignore the potentiometer. Make it a 500k resistor instead. So, its just a .01uf cap in parallel with a 500k resistor, tied in series, between the red and white wires. So far, I've done it to a 59 neck, and a Distortion neck. The results are outstanding. Just removes the typical neck-mud from both those pups. Its a nice, subtle affect.

I'll try to get the update post done this weekend.


I'm not sure I understand the quot;adjust a splitquot;. What exactly does it do again? If I am reading correctly, it just reduces the overall output of the pickup without affecting its tone?

Try disconnecting the tone control first.. It might solve your problem. If it works and you still want a tone control try using a 1 meg pot for a tone control, or a no-load tone pot which has been described in this forum before.

I actually already disconnected the tone control, on this guitar. As for the full shred idea in the other post, I already know that a SD '59 is just about perfect for this guitar, but I want to learn about how the different parts of a pickup affect tone. Since I don't really like the Invader, I thought it would be a good place to start experimenting.

Originally Posted by ZhangliqunI'm not sure I understand the quot;adjust a splitquot;. What exactly does it do again? If I am reading correctly, it just reduces the overall output of the pickup without affecting its tone?

Exactly. But only the full-humbucker mode. So basically, you flip the switch back and forth between split and full, and tweak the pot until they're both the same volume. (The pot is only active in quot;fullquot; mode.) Its not a real valuable mod. Just something I was playing with.

The quot;de-mudquot; mod though, works great. As soon as I can get some clips together, I'm going to re-post on that one. Hopefully, this weekend.

thanks artie, I'll be looking for your update

Try to get six or twelve of the hex head polepieces like the ones in a Screamin' Demon. I think that a big part of the Invader's voice comes from those big poles.

A trick that I use to de-mud pickups (usually neck pickups) is to back down the whole pickup and stagger the polepieces in a way that matches a strat pickup's stagger. It's worked with a lot of pickups I've tried, and it doesn't cost a thing.

I changed out one row of allen heads for trad style screw poles. It changed the whole character of the pickup. Now it has much more clarity. just what I was looking for. I think that I'm going to go back to the invader's stock magnets, with one row of screws, and one row of allens, and see how that sounds. I'll keep y'all updated.

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