
I want to buy a fender telecaster. I want to put in two humbuckers. I want a JB in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck. I dont want to try and cut the pickguard to fit the humbucker myself, I would just like to buy a pickguard pre cut for a humbucker in the neck. I have looked every where and cant find the pickguard I'm looking for. Someone please give me some places on the net to check out. Also do you guys think that would be choice of pickups together? I want it to sound like Nirvana/Led Zeppelin. HELP!

they will make whatever you want. i have 5 pickguards from them and they are good quality with nice clean cuts etc.


Originally Posted by XSSIVE they will make whatever you want. i have 5 pickguards from them and they are good quality with nice clean cuts etc.

-Mike 1 to warmoth...every warmoth guardplate I have ever gotten looked great, in fact the only non wormoth guard I ever got is the one I just looks cheep!

Allparts, trust me man, you can't find one of the better places to buy than from where I work and all.

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