I think it's 412 time for me. I just wanted to get opinions on which you would buy. I've saved up and money isn't a issue for this one, I'm going for tone. But if I can get one and save a hundred bucks, hey, it's a hundred bucks as long as the tone is there...
Here's how it goes:
Avatar 412:
This is the least expensive one by far, but I'm concerned the loss of 1 1/2quot; of depth in the cabinet may cause less richness in the tone. The plus is I can load it with any speakers I want, probably Vintage 30s or Governors and maybe some G12Hs in the bottom.
Mojo Tone 412:
This is an exact replica of the old Marshall cabinets and looks very high quality. Unloaded it's $440, so with the speakers above it'll be roughly $750. Again, the plus here is I can load it with whichever speakers I want. Has anyone any experience with Mojo Tone products?
Mesa Traditional 412
I think most people know this one, though I much prefer the Traditional over the Over-Sized. Only comes with Vintage 30s, and is $850.
Opinions and rants and raves are needed...
I wouldn't go the 4x12 route mainly because they are just to big and heavy. Trust me, I have owned one for about 3 years now and only had to move it 6 times or so before I started saying to myself quot;Damn, this is such a pain in the ass to move, What was I thinking when I decided to buy this thing?quot;. I actually am in the process of selling the 4x12 I have. I have a very interested buyer and am excited that the 4x12 is going. I will be purchasing a 2x12 cab due to its portability. I'm telling you, if you plan to gig with a 4x12 your gonna regret it after having to hall it around a few times....
I ditched a 4x12 for a 2x12 as well...
That said, I'd probably go with the Avatar myself. I have an Avatar 2x12 and absolutely love it, great cabs for the $$$$.
I forgot to mention, also look into Ear Candy cabs...
I second the Avatar cab, as FretFire said. As it turns out, we both run Mesa Rectoverbs into Avatar G212H Special cabs - superb sounding cabinets, much much cheaper than other 2x12's. However, Bogner is supposed to make unbelievable 2x12's also.
THD also makes absolutely outstanding cabinets.
but check out this deal at MF
from : localhost/www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/...se_pid/487795/
Just bulid your own cab like i did! If you're good in math and understand the basics of resonances and tone, just bulid the cab of your dreams.
I think it will be alot cheaper than buying a mesa or avatar too!
My cab is a 2x12quot;, bulit of 30mm MDF plates.
66 cm tall, 96 cm wide and 70 cm deep. It has a third degree bandpass construction with a backplate that can be opened or closed as much as you like.
Two Celestion Century speakers, which is ligth, really loud and has a very modern, chrunchy tone, kinda like a Vintage 30, but with more bass and a smoother midrange.
Anyway, if you want to buy a cab, i would reccomend a Mesa. They are bulit like cast iron outhouses
I have a Carvin Legacy Cab and I love it. Loaded with vintage 30's. Pretty good price and very solid and nice sounding.
you could go for a 2x12 or a 1x15 with very efficient speakers like texas heats or anything high wattage from the eminence, JBL, or EV lines of speakers. You'll get the volume, tone, portability, and minimal speaker fart.
Or You could go my route. I have 2 1x15 cabs and i run them through a 63 BF fender head. Old Fenders could take different impedences more easily because of their heavy duty transformers so i am able to use 1 speaker at 8 ohms for small jams/gigs, and when i need the extra juice could use both at 4 ohms. A flexible setup that caters to my back depending on how big the venue is.
Originally Posted by SemperRhythmMojo Tone 412: Has anyone any experience with Mojo Tone products?
Opinions and rants and raves are needed...
I'm using Mojo speakers...American made Celestion copies (Vin 30/G12H in one 2x12...Greenback/G12H in another 2x12)...I think they sound great.
As for the cabs, I've got a Marshall 2x12 amp; just made my own 2x12 that looks like a Bluesbreaker cab. The Mojo cabs look solid, but of the ones you listed, I don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
Mojotone! Awesome cabs!
Earcandy... sick cabs.
1 for Ear Candy
After hauling a vintage Marshall 4x12 for 5 years, I ditched it after hearing an Ear Candy in person. The Marshall still sounds great, but it stays in the basement.
Go Mesa or Orange, and get it used!
go with avatar 2x12. that thing is oversized and it sounds HUGE. I'll put mine up against a 4x12 any day. Mine is loaded with vintage 30's.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Mesa 412, Avatar 412, or Mojo Tone 412???