Although I am just 16 (and I have been playing guitar daily for 5 years), it seems like I have come to a spot gear-wise where I am very comfortable (I have never been so comfortable with my playing either, I feel like I am learning and getting better rapidly). Even though I know I am young and will collect more and more stuff (guitars, effects, amps) over the years, it is nice to know that I really like my sound and truly think it is professional-level sounding. I also like knowing that even when ears change and I sell or buy stuff and my sound continues to evolve, I will always have the basis of a great sounding rig with me...Here's my rig:
2004 American Stratocaster (Maple/Maple neck, Chubtone 1963 neck amp; middle pickups, Little 59 bridge, Wilkinson tremolo) -gt;
Boss TU-2 Tuner Pedal -gt;
Analogman Comprossor -gt;
Spina Modded Boss SD-1 Overdrive -gt;
Barber LTD Overdrive -gt;
Analogman Silver Mod Maxon Tubescreamer -gt;
Boss DD-3 Delay -gt;
BBE Sonic Stomp Sound Maximizer
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (JJ 6L6GC x2, JJ ECC83S x3)
(Anyone considering retubing an amp, DO IT. Replaced them yesterday, it brought my amp to life, sounds SOOO much better)
Amp hooked up to Avatar 212 extension cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30 and Celestion G12H30.
(Also nice knowing that I will recieve a Parker Nitefly in the mail on Thursday, and a USACG neck for a parts-o-caster I am putting together with a Wilkinson tremolo and 1969 Chubtone pickups and a Fralin Blender pot and Sperzels)
Wow, when I was your age I had a Squier strat and a Line 6 Spider 2x10 combo haha.
you don't want to know what my rig was when I was 16!
Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireyou don't want to know what my rig was when I was 16!
Okay dude, you just ****ed youself! What did you have?!
When I was 16, I had
Risson marshall-clone head
Carvin 100B head (sucked for gain, but the cleans were good)
Randall 4-12 and no name 4-12
Carvin DC 400, Duncan Distortion/59
Charvel strathead black/maple (soon to have JB)
Kaye acoustic
Memphis P Bass copy
Boss OD-1
Boss Analog Delay
DOD Chorus
Arion tuner
At 16, I had:
69 Fender Mustang
Yamaha Strat Copy
Fender Super Reverb (my dad's)
Gibson bass amp (my dad's)
homemade distortion pedal (wah converted to distortion)
I'm not 16 yet , but im 13 and have mesa 1/8th stack....hmmm....i see gear ho-ing in my future!
Wow, that's impressive for your age. I would be totally happy gigging your rig.
When I was 16, I had a Korean Kramer Baretta with pink Dimarzio PAF Pro, a boss DS1 (unmodded: back then, most people's idea of modding a pedal was changing the battery) and a crappy practice amp.
When i was your age. I had wheeled and dealed myself from an austin strat and a crate gx15 to a 1992 Gamp;L ASAT Special and an RG-100sc(crap amp, amazing guitar)...
When I was 16, I had a $100 strat copy and I didn't even have an amp.
I played it into my Dad's hi fi set... and it had this quot;mic input volumequot; knob that I would turn up to get a distorted sound. Haha.
when I was 16 I had....
a Peavey Patriot
An ampeg gt-10 amp
and A Dod Grunge distortion pedal.....thats it......
being poor sucks.
Strat ripoffs all the way!
If I'm ever feeling bad about my current sound, I plug my old strat copy into its little 10W amp. It nearly brings me to tears how bad it is.
It sounds like someone made an improvised speaker cone out of tissue paper, jammed it in thier a$s and broke wind after eating hotsauce.
Then when I go back to my normal rig, it makes me feel like satch again!!!
At 16, I was the proud owner of a Squier Strat Pak.
At 17, I hate the ****ing piece of ****.
However, I have a fairly decent budget for my next guitar, so watch this space
lt;My age
I'm soon to be the proud owner of a Godin Signature LG, which i will be plugging into a awsome... wait for it.... 10 watt laney amp!
I'm slowly upgradeing each piece of my setup to my ultimate setup. I got the acoustic i've always wanted, and luckily it was cheap, and i've nearly got the electric. Just a decent pedal and a good amp and im finished.
...Till I decide I want new things that I like better then my ultimate setup Damn Gas
Jeez man! you got some really great stuff there for being only 16. I had a 80's Trace Elliot Tramp Soildstate combo (one day it lost alot of volume) and a Jackson JS-30 (quite okay actually) and a acoustic nylonstringed
heh i got a used MIM strat for my 16th birthday... it fitted my progression perfectly!
but yea.. i think i had a wah and a boss HM2, into a little fender practice amp.. good times!
When I was 16, I had the exact same strat I have now except it was just stock back then and I only had my practice fender amp. After I had my strat wired up with new pickups it sounded so much better especially with my jcm 900.
when i was 16, i had a mixer, 2 cd-players, a turntable, a qsc series one 1200
and two selfbuilt pa speakers - not really instruments, but noisy
Wow. You got some nice stuff there, man. At 16, I had a Martin Stinger strat copy (top-routed) and a Squire 15 amp. Can't remember which pedal I had then but it was either the DOD FX-56 American Metal or BOSS Digital Metallizer. That was it. My amp quot;MIGHTquot; have been upgraded to a Peavey Bandit 75 by then. I butchered the crap out my guitar too. It eventually got a Duncan Distortion put in it but I suffered with the 3 crappy single coils for a quite a while.
at 16 I wasn't even playing guitar! let alone have any gear to speak of
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Feels great to find my tone!!