Hi.. New here
I'm currently thinking about getting the Dimebucker. But I'm stuck on which neck PU I should choose. My guitar currently have an EMG 81/60 config. I'm also a Line6 POD XT user, and I've sort of dialed the Dimebag sound pretty close. But I'm missing that palm crunch, ya know! I've also put the Invader into consideration but made up my mind on the Dimebucker (unless you tell me otherwise ).
Anyway, now I have to find the neck PU. I'm looking for something that is simular to the EMG-60.. This crystal clear sparkling clean sound. But I'm also an allround player. I play everything from Red Hot Chilli Peppers to Johnny B. Good. And when I'm recording it is aggressive metal (Metallica, Pantera, In Flames etc.). So it should be evenly good for both clean rythm and fat leads (not muddy of course).
So what's the best neck PU to match the Dimebucker?
Thanks ..
in fact i consider the emg 60 more similar to the dime than the 81(i own both). I'd say stay with the dime as a rythm pickup and get a full shred neck for leads. It stays focused even under heavy distortion and is responsive enough for really fast soloing. It's my favorite pup for leads.
well, the best match for the dimebucker would have to be the 59, its clean, articulate, and warm, might be muddy(in some guitars), but dime used the dimebucker with the 59 and the results were great, the emg 81/60 is a great combo too, but for that heavy palm muting i would have to say the dd, even if you want to go all out and use the neck pup for leads go for the ddn/ddb.....its killer.
For neck pickups, I would consider the Jazz, Pearly Gates, or the Full Shred. They will all match really well with the Dime and they will do what you want. The 59 is a great choice also as Gianniboy said but, I preffer the 3 I mentioned over the 59. The Pearly gates is my favorite followed by the Full Shred and the Jazz.
BTW, Get the Dimebucker!!!!!
The truth is that either the Dimebucker or the Invader match best with the Full Shred for the neck position. If you get the Invader you'll have more asskicking sound but with the Dime you'll get smoother but not less hot distortion tones.
Thanks guys..
The 81/60 combo was just me wanting the Hetfield sound some time ago.
But I AM getting the Dimebucker, so don't worry about that part
But some guys in here mentions that the Jazz has very low output. I've heard the mp3s from SD, but they all kinda sound the same, with very small variations. A pitty really. But out of the clean sounds, the Jazz sounded less boomy (of the ones mentioned here). But again, they are crappy sound clips and doesn't represent the full capacity.
But for now, there are very different oppinions on the matter?
In my experience with the Invader, it is not a good all around pickup. It however does one thing GREAT!!! It would be my choice for a Metal rythm pickup but, it lacks clarity for leads. The rythm sound is huge though. The Dime will be a very versatile pickup for distortion, cleans, leads and rythms. BTW, as far as what neck pickup matches best, that is subjective to a point. All of them that have been mentioned will mix well. The exact sound out of the neck pickup is what you should base you decision on.
Ok.. I'll do some more researching.
I know sound is a subjective matter, but good sound is generally a common thing. Real guitarist know ****ty sound when they hear it and vice versa. All I want is a good clean sound and fat leads. I'm not some Kirk Hammett replica (and probarly never will be), I'm more into rhythm stuff, but would like to do those fat leads if the occassion calls for it.. So clear clean stuff and fat solo stuff (if it exists).
Meanwhile I've created a small clip just to give a heads-up on what I mean with the 81: Clip
The drums are awfully mixed, so please bare with it.. It's the EMG-81 with Line6 POD XT Pro. And it's not played 100% accurate.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Dimebucker ???