
Hey guys, I just opened up my PODxt and I hooked it up to Line 6 Edit. Now the I connected the USB cable from the USB jack on the PODxt to the USB port in the computer, and Line 6 Edit won't recognize my PODxt. How do I get it to recognize the PODxt via the USB cable? I don't have one of those MIDI things and don't know what they are, they didn't come with the POD, only the USB did.

I pressed the Line 6 Edit and then continue, and then it was loading the Line 6 Edit. At around 40% it stopped at quot;configuring editorquot;. It opened up something that read:


Select a Line 6 Device from the list below:
If you are using MIDI cables and do now see your device, click the quot;ADDquot; button.

Then it showed this blank part, and then below that, it read:

Cancel Remove Add Ok

I don't get it. I hooked it up with the USB and it didn't notice the PODxt. Everything was hooked up to the Power and the USB was in its place and the power was on...So I clicked quot;Addquot;, and it read:MIDI in port
MIDI out port

so I picked:
Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth

So it showed a PODxt where the blank used to be. But the PODxt had a question mark on it. So it couldn't find the PODxt.

So if you can...please if you read tthis and know what to do so please reply. Thanks for reading!

Did you let windows load its drivers?

No, it came up the first time I plugged the PODxt in with the USB, but I accidentally closed it!
How do you load that again?
Thanks for posting

Try restarting the computer for starters and connecting the usb again. If that doesn't help, try the quot;find new devicequot; - or what is it in english.

Ok tried that, but it didn't work, so where is that find new device?

G123 I would uninstall it and reinstall it again. Be patient and let it do it's thing. SOmetimes it take s asecond to determine if the drivers need to beloaded or not.

I uninstalled the Line 6 Edit program and installed it again, but no luck. So I downloaded the Monkey program and installed the drivers...and it said that once my computer brings up this icon that says that there are new drivers to be installed, I should press o.k. It also said that this may take some I waited 5 minutes and it didn't work. I've tried this times, and I also tried installing the drivers from the Line 6 site but it did the same thing, no icon came up..Does anyone know what happened here? Cause the first time I ever plugged the POD into the had that Icon pop up that said USB Firmware/Drivers need to be installed. So why won't it ocme up now???

NM! I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK!! lol, I connected the usb from the front of the computer, an then I connected it from the back and it worked. I have all these new patches and tones now, it's great! Thanks for helping m guys, I appreciate it. Just I have three questions:
1. How do you record straight from your PODxt into lets say, audacity?
2. Could someone please send me a Slayer, Pantera, and Iron Maiden tone if you guys got any?
3. Where could
Thanks again!

You have to set the PODxt as your recording device in the recording program itself to enable USB recording. I don't know where to do that in audacity, but it should be somewhere in settings/preferences.

I'll see later on if I have some sounds that sound like those bands. Maybe use some marshall for maiden sounds, maybe spinal puppet for pantera? I almost always use a tube screamer in front of an amp, it seems to make almost any amp sound better.

Ok great, thanks, I'll be waiting for some good tones cause I kinda suck at making them lol.

g123, just visit my site listed in my signature and you'll find 1000's of tones to play with. Go to the PATCHES page and search for PODxt.

Thanks instituteofnoise, first of all great site, but no offence, I just oculdn't find any metal tones like good metallica, slayer, pantera, megadeth, maiden, gnr, etc. But still nice tones and great site! Oh and by the way, I found the Line 6 Forums.

They may not be marked as those type of tones, but there are definitely heavy ones in there. You may need to audition them. Many are mine, but as you can see by the authors, any one can upload valid patches.

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