
Hi Everyone!
Been a long while since I've posted. I just finished putting a set of Seth Lovers in my Hardtail Double Fat strat and sad to say I'm a bit dissatisfied still!!!
I started with the stock pearly gates , (too bright) went to seymour's pearly gates, (still too bright ), put in APHIIs, (still a bit too bright), Just put in Seth Lovers and now its to muddy and honky! I ordered '59s today. I want that strat to give me a low growl with some punch. I play mostly clean and bluesy.Think I'm finally on the right track or what? I'd love some opinions before the '59s arrive and are out of the box.


I think that the thing with vintage pups, they're all very bright.

According to the tone chart the 59 is the least brightest, but my ears beg to differ.

A split between the APHIIs and the Seths is what I'm after if that makes any sense.

I hesitate to give pup recommendations, (sometimes), because I don't perform . . .
but quot;low growl with some punchquot; almost sounds like a Mayhem set. (Neck and bridge Distortions.)

Plus, they have a great split sound. Hopefully, someone else can confirm if I'm on - or off - the right track.

Yeah I'd definently suggest going with some higher output pickups. The thing about low output humbuckers, especially duncans, is that they are notoriously bright and crunchy. A custom 5 will be sweet and bluesy in the bridge slot, and will take a lot of the high edge off compared to the pickups you've previously tried, besides the Seth Lover. If you like the 59 in the neck slot then the Custom 5 will balance very well for you, a lot of people around here regard it as the 59 bridge pickup.

The 59's will be better, but a little secret-Stewmac Golden Age humbuckers, I just put a set in my Strat along with a Big Apple pickguard setup I got form a fellow forum bro. These pickups are excellent, they sound VERY close to the 59's with just a little more cut and are splittable, which you have to special order 59's to get 4 conductor wiring.Plus they're alot cheaper but not in sound or construction!

Jazz/Custom5 or '59/Custom5 are excellent combos.

What value pots are you using? If you are using 500k's you may want to try swapping them for 250k's. That will warm things up a little. After that I would say A2P/CC would be real nice and warm in a Strat and the CC in the bridge will have nice growl and chunk but still clean up nice. YMMV.

Originally Posted by frankencatWhat value pots are you using? If you are using 500k's you may want to try swapping them for 250k's. That will warm things up a little. After that I would say A2P/CC would be real nice and warm in a Strat and the CC in the bridge will have nice growl and chunk but still clean up nice. YMMV.
Yep, I agree, CC bridge gets my vote. Never played the A2's so I'd recommend the Jazz for the neck. Really like that pup for the neck. Good luck.Peace,


Thanks for the input all . Actually the seths are pretty close to what I'm after if I could just squeeze some more highs and mids out of em. If I lower the bass and pump up the mids and treble on the blues Jr. it gets kinda close. Guess I'll give the 59s a try and see what it gets. Ive also heard here often about the c5 in the bridge combo. Is the c5 warm in the bridge position in anyones experiance?

Originally Posted by MoodyBlueThanks for the input all . Actually the seths are pretty close to what I'm after if I could just squeeze some more highs and mids out of em. If I lower the bass and pump up the mids and treble on the blues Jr. it gets kinda close. Guess I'll give the 59s a try and see what it gets. Ive also heard here often about the c5 in the bridge combo. Is the c5 warm in the bridge position in anyones experiance?

Ok, it the seths are what you want but want more highs switch out your pots. The guitar came with 250K's, so put in some 500K's and that will get rid of the muffling you are experiencing. I had that problem in my Double Fat.


if that doesn't work(mentioned just above about changing the pots value) then I suggest turning those HIGHS UP!

and/or getting yourself either an EQ pedal amp;/or a hearing test.

perish the thought, but it might be your ears, amp; it's never too late to get them checked.


Take the covers off the Seths for more highs and cut.

I already changed the pots, thanks Luke. I'd really dislike the look without the covers and I had my ears replaced last year . I wonder if its possible to replace the covers for the brass type to let the highs through.

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