
Is this typical with single coils? I have a JV strat with an Antiquity Texas Hot in the neck and stock Tex Mex pickups in the mid and bridge. The harmonics on this guitar are very weak and the 3rd and 4th strings at 5th and 7th frets, the harmonics are practically not existent. Are some strings better or worse for those natural harmonics (I guess that's what it's called when you lightly touch the string and play the string normally?).


Originally Posted by Guitar ToadIs this typical with single coils? I have a JV strat with an Antiquity Texas Hot in the neck and stock Tex Mex pickups in the mid and bridge. The harmonics on this guitar are very weak and the 3rd and 4th strings at 5th and 7th frets, the harmonics are practically not existent. Are some strings better or worse for those natural harmonics (I guess that's what it's called when you lightly touch the string and play the string normally?).

Thanks.switch from the neck pickup to the bridge and the harmonics will be a lot stronger...and yes, it's normal for ALL strats

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fire...and yes, it's normal for ALL strats

Because of the lower output pickups, right? If I drop in a hotter bridge pup the harmonics will be stronger, right?

Actually it's got more to do with where the pickup is positioned under the strings than the output.

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadBecause of the lower output pickups, right? If I drop in a hotter bridge pup the harmonics will be stronger, right?it has almost NOTHING to do with output...the placement of pickups on Strats maskes it that way...the neck pickup is exactally where the 24th fret would be if it had one, that really damps the harmonice down, if you're on the neck pickup alone you really notice it.

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fire..the placement of pickups on Strats maskes it that way...the neck pickup is exactally where the 24th fret would be if it had one, that really damps the harmonice down

Really? Even on the bridge pup?

Originally Posted by JohtosotkuReally? Even on the bridge pup?it is the most noticeable on the neck pickup, I never really have any problems when Im using the bridge pickup

It must be that the neck pickup is either positioned at a harmonic node on the string. Or, the pickup magnets have a muting effect on the strings harmonics. Playing un-plugged I barely get a harmonic. An acoustic guitar produces better harmonics than this strat.

Buy a Furman power factor pro. It gives better harmonics, clarity, drives your amp the same every time anywhere and protects the amp etc. $225 amp; worth every penny.

it's because the neck pickup is under the 24th fret harmonic node AND because the magnetic pull damps the strings a bit (your Antiquity hot is Alnico II so the pull is a little less) and just so you know a Furman power factor pro will not fix this nor will any other box, pedal, cord, amp, string, pickup or any of that other stuff...the ONLY thinkthat would help it at all would be to have a strat w/o a neck pickup...

The baddest SC strat harmonics ever came from a little pup I acquired about a month ago....

I know that's right!Originally Posted by Luke DukeThe baddest SC strat harmonics ever came from a little pup I acquired about a month ago....

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