VSBoth of these are very nice cabs. The Bogner is more quot;in your facequot; and loud. Both have Vintage 30s. Both are very heavy and well built. I already reviewed the Mesa in detail so more on the Bogner.
This sucker will fill up a room as well as most 4X12s. It is just a great cabinet. No rattles or farts (the Mesa was the same way) but it moves a lot of air. The Bogner is the best 2X12 I have ever played but it will run you over $100 more than the Mesa. My Bogner has one mono 8ohm input. You can't go wrong with either cab IMO.
The bottom line: the Mesa is back at GC and the Bogner is staying!!! Now, I am fighting a bad GAS attack to get a matching XTC.... god help me!!!
Very cool! The Bogner looks almost twice as big, could that be why it fills the room so much? Fueling my GAS even more...
Yeah, I can feel your pain with the mismatching issue..and your need to FIX it!! Haha! Good luck with that!
It is much taller but thinner. It will actually fit in my car's trunk (laying flat on its back) while the Boogie would not- it took up 1/2 of my back seat.
Oh, nice work tidying up the area, too.
man that is one tall 2x12...looks great though. do they put the speakers side by side or on an angle...just wondering if that's why it's taller.subliminal message...buy the xtc buy the xtc buy the xtc buy the xtc buy the xtc hahaha
I myself am considering getting rid of my 4x12 in favor of a 2x12.
The bogner stuff is top notch for sure. I just have someting agains't Mesa...not sure what or why, but I don't like it. I know they build some good stuff though.
The XTC would look killer on top of that....but far be it from me to fuel your GAS.buybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybu ybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuybuy
If I buy it we'll need to all pitch in so I can hire a top notch divorce lawyer!! I still can't believe my wife didn't ask quot;how muchquot; when I wheeled in the Bogner 2X12. I guess it was become I instantly said quot;don't worry- I am selling the 4X12quot;
Nice setup, I bet the Pitbull w/ the Bogner cab is tone heaven
Damn those GAS monsters!!! hahahaI recently bought a Genz Benz 2x12 G Flex and I can't see myself ever needing a new cab-4x12 or otherwise.
I recently got a big Bog 2x12 also. Definately the best cab I've tried for my tastes. 2x12 or 4x12.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
PICS! 2X12 Cab Reviews Mesa vs. Bogner