
I've been wanting to get a nice Strat for a while now and pulled the trigger yesterday at my local mom and pop music store. It's a standard burst finish fat strat with rosewood fb, brand new '05 that I got for $350. I traded in my Agile and got about as much for the trade in as I would have gotten selling it on ebay. I'll have to post pictures later. It really resonates well and the neck is VERY nice especially for a mexican strat. Now for the fun....Mod time! All suggestions are appreciated. I do think that I will take it back to a SSS configuration. I was thinking a brown shell pickguard, parchment knobs, switchtip and pup covers. I will do a complete shielding ala, it really works well. Now for the pups.......I love hot vintage tones so suggest away.

It sounds pretty sweet. I'm looking forward to the pics. Glad you liked it.

Oh man, we can be MIM '05 sunburst Strat buddies!

Though mine is S/S/S and has a maple neck, but never mind.

If I were you I would leave it with a bridge humbucker, changing it can be a pain in MIM Strats.

LOL, well ok buddy! No worries, mods are my thing and this isn't my first strat either. Let's put it this way, I refused to plug the strat in while in the shop because I was most likely going to change everything anyway. I wanted to get the true sense of how this guitar resonated acousticly and how it felt in my hands. That said, the stock pups really aren't that bad. But I do like the look of the SSS set up. But then that's the beauty of a Strat, build as many pickguards as I want because it's so easy to pop them in anytime.

Originally Posted by RobbiedbeeOh man, we can be MIM '05 sunburst Strat buddies!
Though mine is S/S/S and has a maple neck, but never mind.
If I were you I would leave it with a bridge humbucker, changing it can be a pain in MIM Strats.
Put a set of antiquity surfers in it! I love those things. With a parchment guard, matching knobs.

As long as it's got the pool route, mod away with humbuckers and have a blast doing it. If it's not pool routed, well, maybe singles will fit in the slot. MIA's are pooled, not sure if MIM's are or not.

Actually JumpMarine, now you mention it, a S/S/S Strat looks so much better than a Strat with 'buckers or even a Strat with rails.

I know this is a duncan site, but i got a set of Fender Custom Shop 69s they sound great to me!

I know the Antiquities are nice but I just can't spend that much on pickups.

Originally Posted by ErikHAs long as it's got the pool route, mod away with humbuckers and have a blast doing it. If it's not pool routed, well, maybe singles will fit in the slot. MIA's are pooled, not sure if MIM's are or not.

hmmm the 2001 MIA I had was routed HSS
The 2001 MIM I had was routed HSH.

This Japanese '72 is routed SSS

The mid '90s were notorious for the Pool route, but some people came to like it, they said it had a good chimey sound....

Originally Posted by ErikHAs long as it's got the pool route, mod away with humbuckers and have a blast doing it. If it's not pool routed, well, maybe singles will fit in the slot. MIA's are pooled, not sure if MIM's are or not.

My 2001 MIM Strat is routed for HSS.

Originally Posted by SkarekroughMy 2001 MIM Strat is routed for HSS.

I'll remember that next time I want a DiMarzio Super Distortion.

arronl and Skarekrough, did your HSS routed Strats come with 3 singles or 1 hum and 2 singles? And arronl, what about your HSH routed MIM, did it comes with 3 singles or 3 hums and 1 single?

I'm trying to figure out what the hell Fender is doing these days. My 1994 MIA is pooled and I honestly haven't look at the guts of any Strats in a long time.

I like the pool because I can do what I want, humbuckers, singles or whatever.

My 2004 MIA is H-S-H.

Congrats on the new axe.

My 94 MIJ start is routed HSH

I'll know soon enough on the routing when I change strings and finish setting the action and relief in a few days. It has a beautiful finish and there is some light grain that shows through pretty well.

Originally Posted by JumpMarineI've been wanting to get a nice Strat for a while now and pulled the trigger yesterday at my local mom and pop music store. It's a standard burst finish fat strat with rosewood fb, brand new '05 that I got for $350. I traded in my Agile and got about as much for the trade in as I would have gotten selling it on ebay. I'll have to post pictures later. It really resonates well and the neck is VERY nice especially for a mexican strat. Now for the fun....Mod time! All suggestions are appreciated. I do think that I will take it back to a SSS configuration. I was thinking a brown shell pickguard, parchment knobs, switchtip and pup covers. I will do a complete shielding ala, it really works well. Now for the pups.......I love hot vintage tones so suggest away.

Yeah ok.....And so where's the pictures? :dammit:

Gots ta have a pearloid pickguard.

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