Which one :
IbanezRG 550 Prestige with new pickups....
Schecter C1 Elite with new pickups.....
I like both...I have to make a decision before this Friday....
Let me know!!!
Of those two I prefer the Schecter C1 Elite. I prefer the sound and the feel of it compared to the slim Ibanez neck. Looks better as well IMO.
IMO those are to completely different beasts.
I prefer the Schecter, I don't really like most Ibanez necks.
MMMMmmmm Rectoverb for sale....
cant buy it though, no cash.
Well, i´m not into those super thin necks myself, but i would pick the ibanez anyway, just because i like the floyd and maple board.
But seing you already have a soloist and another rg, maybe the shecter would be of more use, simply beacause it´s more diffrent from your other guitars?
But i would still get the ibanez myself.
i vote schecter
i would go with the shecter just because i'm not into floyds. but thats only my opinion. if i were you i would play both and make my decision from there.
SCHECTER.... You might even find the pups surprise you while you wait to get the right SD combo to put in it!!
I cant stand Ibanez.... In fact, I have a Black JS 100 for sale if you want it!!! lol...
the schecter!
it has no FR to worry about
Tough call, but as an owner of a Schecter C1 Elite with new pickups I'd reccomend it. It gives my Sg a serious run for its money.
I'm thinking about selling my Floyd Strat and getting a used RG550 as a Floyd Rose-equipped replacement. Great guitar.
Schecter, one of the great bang for buck guitars.
Schecter... I own one, 1 to bang for the buck. I also own an Ibanez. I vote schecter
i vote schecter becuase i had a bad experience with an ibanez guitar... and every ibanez ive played since i just havent liked.. just my opinion tho of course. at the end of the day its watever suits ur playing style best.
Originally Posted by The New GuyWhich one :
IbanezRG 550 Prestige with new pickups....
Schecter C1 Elite with new pickups.....
I like both...I have to make a decision before this Friday....
Let me know!!!
Did I inspire you to go get a schecter elite??! lol
In this battle it is a close call...but my vote is still with schecter....imo dont get the white one though...lol
I picked up (and was very impressed) with Schecters guitars. They give you a heck of a lot of guitar for the money and I would take it over any Ibanez I've played.
i would pick them both...
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Ibanez or Schecter?