
Recently dropped a Hotrails PU in the bridge position and I have been on a quest to figure out what PU's I want to drop in the neck and middle positions of my Strat. I keep coming back to the SSL-4 and SSL-5's. My overall goal here is versatility and a nice, fat, warm tone. I play in two bands--Clasic rock and blues. Any thoughts, feedback or suggestions appreciated.



I think either the Hot, or Custom would be fine for what you are wanting. The Custom has a little more typical strat pup EQ.

If you are wanting to go the noiseless option the stacks (either) would be a great option, you would maintain the look and tone, but it would be humcancelling like the bridge pup.


I would associate quot;nice, fat, and warmquot; with a Lil '59. An HR in the bridge, Lil 59 in the neck, and any of the SD singles in the middle, would make a real nice Strat. Not conventional . . . but your own.

I have HR/CR/HR. I like this configuration. I REALLY like the Cool Rails, BTW.

Originally Posted by LesStratI REALLY like the Cool Rails, BTW.

Me too.

Thanks for the feedback guys! I also had my eye on the Coolrails. I want to keep the single coil configuration on my Strat as well. Any of you have the SSL's in your guitars? Just interested in what you like or don't like about them.

Hey dude.

I had that exact setup in my Strat for a while. I was having an identity crisis and going thru a quot;hard rockquot; phase. hehehe.

I found that the SSL6 Strat Custom's sounded great...except NOT with 250K controls. (Neither did the hot rails, come to think of it)

I wound up using a 500K for volume, 250K for the tone for the hot rails, and a fender no-load for the tone pot for the neck SSL6.

The SSLs matched up GREAT with the hot rails. Strat-like, but way WAY warmer and punchier and fatter. But...with the no-load pot and the 500K volume pot, I could still dial in some strat-like high end when needed.

Still, those Strat Customs will never ever sound like a vintage strat pickup. Theyre way way too fat.

The SSL3 Hot, in my opinion, should only be a bridge pickup. Too many mids, too few trebles. It does make a KICKA$$ bridge pickup in a strat though. had that in there before the hot rails.

If you want to hear them, I used them to record on a friend's EP. now, the vocals are mixed WAY up, but you gotta listen for the lead guitar work. its there. (to my disappointment, not as loud as I'd like...) There's no bluesy solo goodstuff, but at least this can give you an idea of the versatility of these pickups. They sound very an strat with a serious weight problem!

the pureplayer thing, click on each song:

quot;Brighter Sidequot; 1:16 into it, you can hear the mid-bridge combo, twangy run. That's a SSL6 with HotRails bridge thru a badcat.

quot;Cold Rush Overquot; 0:15 The backgroud arpeggios are the neck and mid SSL6 thru a badcat.

quot;Staring at my Feetquot; 1:52 The bridge is the neck and mid SSL6, the funky strumming.

Since then, I've just decided to go back to vintage style specs. I got myself a SSL1 SSL1 Twangbanger set from Lew, and I can't wait to throw it in.

hope this helped even a little.

I've been trying several different singles in the middle of my two Cool Rails, and so far the SSL-6 is my favorite. (Thats the same as the SSL-5, except flat.) I've got an APS on the way. As soon as I try that, I'll decide what stays.

The SSL's are great pups.

I never thought I'd be this overwhelmed with choices... Is there that big of a difference between staggered and flat..?

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