Would you prefer a mass produced guitar (like a PRS) or a guitar built like you want it by a small builder (Like PRS used to be)?
目前分類:title (6014)
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
big names vs small builders
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Tone Tubbies?
I am about to purchase a Crate/Ampeg V1512 Combo and a ceramic tone tubby hemp cone speaker is offered as an upgrade. How much will this improve the tone of the amp particularly in warming up the clean tone? I have been offered the amp at such a discounted price (old friends with the dealer) that it is cheaper with the upgrade than it would have been without it normally. I know nothing about speakers but these seem to have a pretty large fan base.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
First review of my Vox AC30 Custom Classic
Alright...this will be installment one of the Vox AC30 Custom Classicd. This won't be as in depth as installments two and three (to follow after I've had more than a few days to mess with it...probably at the 2 and 3 week periods)Well I hooked my tube screamer up to it for the first time this morning and let me tell you it was the most transparent beautiful overdrive I've ever heard. It almost brought a tear to my eye how perfect this sound is for me. my favorite tone thus far is blending the normal and top boost channels together, both low volume, cranking the master, ..normal volume on quot;brilliancequot; and the top boost channel on quot;standardquot;. Very glassy pristine clean tone, EVEN WITH THE LES PAUL!! With my Les Paul, there was NO true clean tone on my mesa/boogie. The pickups (which are only Duncan 59's, not high output pickups) pushed it into overdrive so easy. This one stays quite clean even when strumming hard which is something I missed about my Les Paul through the Mesa/Boogie, the clean tone. I switched to a pretty medium reverb (by Fender standards) and a pretty deep tremolo, and switched the tube screamer on and I swear I heard God talk amongst the swirling wonderful reverbating beauty of that overdriven tone So far I'm really loving it and the fact that the reverb and tremolo are footswitchable make me very happy. Add to that the fact that the cable for the footswitch is freakin 20'!! I'm so tired of little 10' footswitch chords...I unraveled this thing and fell in love with the footswitch before I even plugged it in..I knew I would be able to get a bit further from my amp than I normally do (not that I will, but I could!)
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
FS: Parker Nitefly-M USA made w/ Dimarzio pups and Soloette Graduette Travel Nylon
Hey guys,
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Telecaster Vs Strat Single coils
What is the difference? Pole spacing? Is that it?
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Michael Kelly guitar vs LP
I have a Michael Kelly Patriot Q that I cant say enough great things about.. It plays like a dream, sustains forever, sounds fantastic and was very reasonably priced. I have never got to play the Kelly thru my main amp rig (peavy Ultra plus and carvin cab) and have been wondering how it would sound and how it would compare to my LP? Well, today, I got to do a back to back comparo.. OMG!!!! The Kelly sounded amazing!!! Almost all the same full chunky sound but with less mud. I thought the LP would be brighter because of the thicker maple cap, but to my suprise, the Patriot has a more cutting tone.. Even more of a suprise is the tone I was getting from neck pups.. Im a tinkerer and change pups in everything. I hadnt had the time or money to change the neck pup in the Michael Kelly. But I was getting some of the sweetest and most musical tones out of it. Im just blown away!! I wanted to get a couple more LPs to have a variety of pup combos, but not anymore.. Ill save a pile of money and get a couple more Patriots! Plus, the patriot has a bigger fretwire which I like too.. Im amazed and Im stoked!!!
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Stupid tube question re: Valvetronix
My name is Stu. Stu Pid.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Do You Like The Invader?
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Ibanez SZ320
I am very interested in the Ibanez SZ320. The 2005 model or past models. If anyone in this forum owns one can you please:
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Advise on New Pickups for PRS PLEASE!!
Hey All,
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Well, I caved in... new amp in the arsenal ; )
I'm going into the studio tomorrow and I needed a good amp to record with (aka, not the Vibrolux Reverb). Ever since I played a Crate V32 Palomino, I've been thinking about how great it sounded for the cash. I want an amp to get me by until the Fargen comes back home all repaired. I was also looking for an amp that would be relatively cheap and all around very good sounding (that was the difficult part). I talked to my singer / fellow guitar player and he told me that if I ever wanted to sell the Crate that he would buy it off of me (I was initially trying to find a quality amp for him, never imagined I'd actually pony up the cash for another amp).
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
SDUG's Tele Players Club Is OPEN For Biz-nits
from : localhost/the plan--
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
DiMarzio Evolution Update
I put the Evo. in my strat yesterday, and I must say that I'm not impressed at all. It is very bright and it sounds harsh to me. I tried it with a 250 pot to see if that would help, and it did a bit, but I still can't get a good sound out of it.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Bass pedals?
Been seeing some threads lately about my instrument in question and i wonder, do you bass players here at the forum use any pedals, anyone you want to recommend?
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Jake E Lee's Guitars
If your interested in Jake's Guitars
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Pearly Gates bridge with 250 K pots
Any body try this... Would this tame the treble a bit???
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Wiring Help Needed
I'm trying to wire up my JB to a 6-way switch. Of course the switch didn't come with instructions. I found a diagram online, but the color code doesn't match up with SDs. I found the following on the SD website:
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
What are Duncan quot;Black Backquot; Pickups, sold by Ed Roman?
I've heard they are just Custom Customs, but does anyone know any better?
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
New Sony DVD-RW combo drive, $40 black
More specific, DVD/CD rw for pc.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Backing Track for Your Solo/Wankage Etc.
I am home sick today, so I came up with something slow and drony I guess
Les Paul with Seth Lover/ Jazz combo. Plexitone on the heavy rhythm parts. Maxon CS9-Pro chorus on the clean parts. Marshall 1987x amp.