I'm trying to wire up my JB to a 6-way switch. Of course the switch didn't come with instructions. I found a diagram online, but the color code doesn't match up with SDs. I found the following on the SD website:
quot;All humbuckers with four-conductor hookup wires incorporate a standard wire color code.
Green = beginning of adjustable coil
Red = finish of adjustable coil
Black = beginning of stud coil
White = finish of stud coilquot;
So does quot;beginningquot; = positive and quot;finishquot; = negative?
Anybody else get the feeling you're just talking to yourself?
Oh, so quot;beginningquot; and quot;finishingquot; have to do with the direction in which the coil is wound, and have nothing to do with being negative or positive. Thanks for clearing tha...wait a minute. I figured that out on my own. So never mind.
Hope I didn't tear anybody away from the quot;Who's your favorite Hanson brotherquot; poll in the Off Topic room.
I could still use some help figuring out how to wire up this six-way switch. Yeah like that's gonna happen.
Originally Posted by skh515
I could still use some help figuring out how to wire up this six-way switch.
There are many ways to hook up a 6 way switch, but you mentioned a single pickup. The drawings on pages 6 and 7 of the following link work for two pickups or a single humbucker:
from : localhost/this what you had in mind?
Yes, you figured out the first part out all on your own. Guitar pickups do have a north/south magnetic polarity but not a /- polarity like a battery would have.
For general wiring purposes the black lead is wired to the switch, the green lead is grounded and the red/white wires are tied together. For parallel wiring purposes it is helpful to know the code you listed above.
Your switch question is too incomplete to answer. I'd need a better description of the switch and what you expect to happen when you use the switch before I can begin to answer the question.
Hey Steve,
Thanks for the link, that could be a big help.
Robert, the switch is a 6-way rotary. I have no idea who makes it. It has 4 poles/switch position and looks like this: from : localhost/guitarelectronics.zoovy.com/product/SWR61
I'm trying to wire it for Series and Parallel (In Phase), Each coil individually and Series and Parallel (Out of Phase). I have used this type of switch before. By using a continuity meter I have figured out how it works.
If I can figure out the logic behind the various types of wiring, I think I can wire it up myself. For instance, for Series wiring the two quot;coming (finishing) wiresquot; are connected together. One of the quot;going (starting) wiresquot; becomes the positive and the other becomes the negative.
I think for Parellel the two quot;Startingquot; wires are connected, as are the two quot;Finishingquot; wires, with the combined quot;Startingquot; wires being one pole and the two quot;Finishingquot; wires being the other.
So am I quot;Pinkyquot; or quot;The Brain?quot;
I'm still trying to figure out the Out of Phase stuff.
Ok, while I don't have a particular schematic for what you want to do I can explain series and parallel.
Series connects the 2 finish wires, in the case of SD pickups that is the red and the white. Since SD HB pickups (and most others if not all) have both bobbins wound in the same direction, running start-finish-finish-start creates the reverse wind condition needed to cancell hum.
Parallel wiring connects a start to a finish twice. With SD pickups connectiong the black to the red (using that as hot) and the white to green (used as ground) will get you hum cancelling in parallel.
The wiring shouldn't be too horrid now that you have the codes and a brief explanation.
Thanks Robert,
That's a big help and I think it comfirms my theory about parallel.
Any thoughts about In and Out of Phase?
Would Black and Green to ground amp; Red and White to positive be parallel out of phase?
And Green (-) White ( ) with Red and Black connected would be Series out of phase, no?
The black and green to ground is only relative to another pickup. See if this chart helps:
btw - in all of those diagrams, the in-phase and out-of-phase is only relative to the pickup itself. You can reverse the wires labeled quot;Outquot; and ground relative to connecting it to another pickup.
Thats a whole 'nother issue.
Looks like Artie has it covered.
Thanks Artie,
That's a big help.
Luckily, this project only has a single JB HB, which is more than I can handle anyway.
Many thanks guys.
You're welcome. Sounds like it'll be a cool project. Let us know how it turns out.
Hey Artie,
Here's your update:
from : localhost//forum/s...ad.php?t=39624
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Wiring Help Needed