
I had been wanting a duncan jazz for the neck position of my hollowbody, but since i have heard nothing but good about these i am thinking of going compleatly with VV pafs. I would like some opinions. Do you think they would be suitiable for a fully hollow electric with a spruce top. This guitar i is my jazz guitar and i want a warm yet clean, articulate sound. The sound i hear on so many great modern jazz albums The stock pick ups are ok but not all that and since the sttrat will have its new pups soon the hollowbody is the next guitar to get new ones. Opinions requested please thanks.

All I know is that in my wolfgang the Dimarzios just kick butt. Alot would depend if your guitar is a naturally bright (tone wise) instrument or not. If it is bright,try the Dimarzios if not then try the duncans.

T.Y.E. (Trust your ears)

Originally Posted by waltAll I know is that in my wolfgang the Dimarzios just kick butt. Alot would depend if your guitar is a naturally bright (tone wise) instrument or not. If it is bright,try the Dimarzios if not then try the duncans.

T.Y.E. (Trust your ears)

My guitar is not super bright sounding.

No hollowbody experience here but...the Jazz Neck has a pretty big output with a big bottom end. Not mushy like a '59 but it's deep. Great for solidbody guitars. So I wonder if that might be too much for a hollow - do you have concerns about feedback?

A pickup with a more modest bottom might be a consideration there. Or make sure you can adjust the Jazz low - I used to crank mine to a ful 1/4-inch below the strings.

the V pafs are by far dimarzio's best ever!
these things are as good as any duncan!
and ME saying that says something BIG since i am a seymour JUNKIE!

Originally Posted by Dave ZNo hollowbody experience here but...the Jazz Neck has a pretty big output with a big bottom end. Not mushy like a '59 but it's deep. Great for solidbody guitars. So I wonder if that might be too much for a hollow - do you have concerns about feedback?

A pickup with a more modest bottom might be a consideration there. Or make sure you can adjust the Jazz low - I used to crank mine to a ful 1/4-inch below the strings.

i am not concerned about feedback right now, but i do not want it become an issue in the future. Having said that it is not likley i would ever use any distortion with my hollowbody. I did not take into account the bottom end specs. I was looking more at the midrange and highs more than any thing. what pick up wolud you reccomend as best as you can figure. Thanks for taking the time to respond i do appreciate it. You too lester!!
GOD BLESS and ROCK (or JAZZ) ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think they would both be incredible in the neck. Depends on whether you want a scooped type jazz sound with big highs and bass or a vintage PAF tone with a flatter frequency response. Both would be fantastic IMHO. If you want a warmer sound in the neck, go with the VVPAF. If you want more highs and lows, go with the jazz.

My pick would be the VVPAF in the neck. It's plenty clean and articulate, but it's got this split personality that I love.

The standard modern jazz sound is preaty scooped isn't it. From what i hear the guitar sounds seem fat but not usally super dark. Warm but not muddy. Which sound is more common in MODERN jazz?????? Anyone/ What do you think.

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