Anyone spent any time with a 10 and 12 in the same amp?
Gibson Goldtone amps did that for a little while. I'm not sure of the model number, but one of them had a 10quot; and a 12quot; speaker.
the Fender Two Tone amp has this, its basically a Blues JR in a fancy retro cab with a 12 and 10......i think it sounds awesome, one of the better amps ive played
Yeah Scott...I've done it too but only in a homemade speaker cab. Some people claim there will be phase diff between the two speaker because the voice coil of the 12quot; speaker will often be set back a bit and in a differant plane than the voice coil of the 10quot; speaker. Didn't notice a problem myself...but I guess in theory there is an issue. Might be more of an issue with stereo speaker designers than with guitar speaker users. We just care if it sounds good...most of us couldn't care less if it's technically accurate or correct.
There's an amp called quot;The Jukequot; model 1210 I think it is....uses 2 10s side by side with the 12 on the top center, like a pyramid. from : localhost/hear they're pretty hot!....but pricey amp; the guy that builds them is apparently a bit of a ******.........
REVIEW: from : localhost/
I researched 12/10 setups recently. I was going to convert my 2x10 can. The people I found who use the 12/10 say it is a killer combination. I got by for now with a diffenret mix of 10quot; speakers, but I'm still wanting to do the 12/10 conversion in the future.
This brings to mind a question I've thought about for a while now. If using two completely different sized speakers isn't causing a problem, how in the world can using different speaker of the same size cause a phase problem? If someone wanted to use neodymium speakers and greenbacks in the same cab, how would that be a problem when using two different speaker sizes isn't? It's just something I've wondered about since the subject came up...
Better off with a mix of two 10's or two 12's
I use Weber Blue and Silver mixed in my little jimi as you have heard before it has awesome tone.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Mixing a 10 and a 12 in a Combo