Mine would probably be my 3 year old Single Rectifier Series II. Very easy to achieve nice tones with the single pair of 6L6's so it's always the go-to amp.
What's yours? How long have you had it? And what makes it your most played amplifier?
Unfortunally i just have my v-amp2 at home, so i guess that´s the most played.
But of course it can´t touch my JCM800 halfstack that i use with the band, have had it for about a month now, and i love it, amazing amp.
This tweed Supro. Home amp that overdrives like sex, @ low volumes.
Rackmounted Rectifier....1.5 years. I prefer it for it's deep sounding clean that breaks into a nice overdriven grind when I strike a chord hard enough, it takes well to effects, and causes the walls to move when palm muting in modern high gain, and has enough gain on tap to do the fuzzed out Big Muff type thing....only with more dynamics than a real Big Muff.
I've been playing with alot of mild OD into midgain dirt lately.....this amp has a tone for all my moods.
at the moment my 5150 is only used when i gig because its too loud, my boutique Class A amp doesnt seem to have the right type of gain for my lead playing (may need a preamp valve change?) though its not a low gain amp, i only like it for rhythm, which it sound beautiful with.
my most played amp would then be my Marshall avt150, and i love it to bits, it sounds just right now that ive finally found the settings i really like, im into a lot of shred, Malmsteen and Vai at the moment and the amp really brings out the right tone for the music
Ok the amp i have own the most the time is a Crate GX 212 combo, but i have bad news i lend it to my teacher and he called me last night to tell that he burned it... he is going to fix thou but it is the best tone i like for my gt8... but i have also a Smarvo Half stack all tube and a Peavey XXL head... which i use with the smarvo 412 cab... nice sounding also ...
My modded Marshall, although I do use a few of the patches from my Boss GT-6 thru the clean channel occasionally. Ever since I retubed this amp with new Groove Tubes 12AX7-C's and M's, it has taken on a whole new flavor.
I never even touch my Blues Jr. I'm currently holding it for a member who wants to buy it when he gets the $$.
My Fender Frontman - cuz it's the only one I have =P
It's clean channel is actually pretty decent. I'm running a Boss GE-7 and a DOD Mystic Blues Overdrive (set on extremely low distortion) to make that really quot;sparkly clean soundquot; of higher end amps. It starts to sound a bit muddier when the volume's turned up, but it works real nice at lower volumes.
actually my most used is my podXT/Atomic 1x12 combo since it's right in my bedroom next to the computer and TV. whenever i'm posting or doing actual work on the computer i tend to have a guitar in my lap playing b/t posts and while reading them or while thinking of an idea for my graphic design work. so this little guy gets the most use. also since it works well for low volume it's a bit better at 3am than cranking the engl lol. but of my other amps since i got the engl it took over for my peavey ultra plus but the ultra will NEVER leave me, that amp just has a magic to it!
Used to be my 66 BF Pro Reverb but lately it's been my Vox VTX head and the AD 2X12 Vox cab,up until last night when I brought the ole PR out again...Like finding an ole friend..This amp is behind me in my avatar picture..
My two amps get equal playing time. I play through a '56 tweed Fender, Princeton, and a '77 silverface Fender, Deluxe Reverb.Sprinter
My Cube 60...because my other amp is the microcube, and why play the little guy when you've got the big brother right next to it?
Originally Posted by SprinterI play through a '56 tweed Fender, Princeton, and a '77 silverface Fender, Deluxe Reverb.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous right now!!
Actually the amp I most want would be the Twin Reverb - I've played it so much at a local guitar store that the people there must hate me! I wouldn't be surprised if the next time I walk through the doors, someone's gonna turn me right around.
I consider the Bogner Ecstasy head with 4-12 or 2-12 cab to be my main rig.
I love amps more than guitars, so at home I plug into whatever suits my mood, between
the 50W Marshall Jubilee halfstack, Vox Valvetronix AD60 head on Jubilee straight cab, and for single coil Jimi tone, the Matchless Chieftain, and for single coil SRV tone, the Bassman LTD. I'm an amp fanatic. I don't care if I never own another guitar, but I'll always want to buy/sell amps, just for the sheer tonal enjoyment of it.
Traynor YCV40 ... it's been almost two years ... played almost everyday.
Well I have a mark IV, and a dual recto ON THE WAY.
So atm its my Mark IV into my avatar 2x12, even after I get the recto it will still probably be the markIV
well since I only really own one amp, my Randall RG100SC, that's the only one I play... pretty good SS cleans, and I've learned to really like the distortion that comes from it lately. More versatile than I wouldn't expected.
My XXX of one year, but I'd love to have another amp, if anyone would donate .
My marshall JCM 900 2100 and 1960AV cab. Though, I almost play my Traynor YCV40 as much.
I did the most gigs with my old 77' Twin (135 watts) It was just to
LOUD !! When I joined a Blues band I retied the Twin and picked up a
79' Princeton. That's been my main gigger. Some contrast in volume !
But I hate being told to turn down. I never had a problem Cutting thru
with the Princeton. I found it was louder than the Peavey Classic 30
I had.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
What's Your Most Played Amplifier?