What are the up and down sides of such pups?
the pros, even string response when bending, and works well with most spacing. cons, wont work well with covers. thats all i can think of.
I believe that all the quot;newquot; 'rails come covered - so there are no quot;consquot;.
They, like anything else, have their own character and tone. I myself, have fallen in love with Cool Rails and Vintage Rails.
there is no drop outs on rails but the tone is a little different than a pup with pole pieces
pros: rails look sick nasty!
cons: rails look sick nasty!
i really have no idea im wondering the same thing im sitting ona hotrails bridge that im trying to fix right now.
IMO rails = better than pole pieces because its a pretty balanced / even tone..even when bending, plus string spacing is never a problem, the only quot; con quot; i could think of with the rails type pickups is they might have a bit more quot;pullquot; on the strings, i ususaly set mine lower on the bass side and up a little more on the treble side..not enough to make it too noticeable that its slanted, but i find that this helps further quot; balance quot; my tone....
The only problem with rails is they look too darn high-tech and newfangled for old school players who like everything to be covered in shiny metal dots.............we need full-sized rails humbuckers besides the Dime and that Bill Lawrence thing, we have waited long enough.......
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Rails or blades pups...