Thought this might work.Haven't tryed it yet though...First the rubber around the preamp tube(s) needs to be removed.I'm then hoping too have enough room to get these spark plug wire puller pliers around the tube so I can safely yank them out of the amp without having to spend an hour getting to the tubes! Once the amp is out of warranty I'll enlarge the holes around the tubes with a dremel tool if this plier doesn't get enough room to access the tubes..John; I was thinking about something, but first, is access to the tubes from the side of the tube, or the top?
Is that tube really running at the proper voltage to make a tonal difference?
Originally Posted by mridIs that tube really running at the proper voltage to make a tonal difference?
There actually output tubes...The amp works and sounds great,so the preamp tubes are doing their thing..
Originally Posted by ArtieTooJohn; I was thinking about something, but first, is access to the tubes from the side of the tube, or the top?
Just about an inch or less of each tube hangs out from the bottom of the metal amp chassis...You see the nipple part of the tubes from the bottom of the chassis.The tubes are also above the wooden cab..
Originally Posted by mridIs that tube really running at the proper voltage to make a tonal difference?
MRID....Click here so you understand what the 12AX7s do in this amp..It's a whole new technology created by Korg/Vox...The technology works! from : localhost/
John; the thing I was thinking of, is a type of tube puller that I've seen many, many moons ago. Its sorta hard to describe, and I don't know if they still make them or not.
It was a type of wire mesh affair, that worked on the same principal as those chinese finger-torture things, where you stick you finger in each end, and then can't get them out. It expands as you slide it over the tube, then tightens, and grips as you pull it out.
I'll look through some vintage radio sites, and see if I can find a pic.
Here ya go. The device at the red arrow:
Originally Posted by ArtieTooHere ya go. The device at the red arrow:
Artie....Cool...Now that would work even better!
We might have an old one laying around at work. I'll check Monday.
Originally Posted by ArtieTooWe might have an old one laying around at work. I'll check Monday.
Thanks Artie....Would appreciate that!
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Hopefully A Quick Solution For Removing Vox Valvetronix Tubes?