
Hey guys... i tried to do a search, but i didn't find a single poll regarding string gauges!

So, therefore i'd like to see what is the most preferred string gauge\thickness used here on the forum, and also why you prefer it .

Personally, i started using heavy strings, 11-52, because of the dense, quot;piano likequot; tone and the added thickness to the leads. Lately, i've been using 10-52's, since i find myself adding more dynamics and quot;lifequot; to my playing, with more quot;sensitivequot; strings.

I'm considering to start using 09-46\48's, but i'll see if i can live with the twangy, thinner tone first.

Anyway, let me hear what your personal choice is!

Thanks alot,

currently 10-52(in drop d) but I want to try the d'addario 12-54 set(i've tried 12-56 and 11-54, and this looks interesting)
therefore I didn't vote

I swear by GHS Progressive Dave Mustaine Signature 10-52
Standard and Drop D tunings only!

I'm a total wimp. I use 9-46 on the Les Pauls and 9-42 on the Strat.

I usually use 10-50 for everything from Standard to Drop C. But I think I'm going to try 11's soon. And right now I have 9-46 on.

I voted 10-52 because it's a happy medium

09-42s on a Fender Strat. I think that this lovely honeymoon period of all-new playability is now over, and I'm ready to go back to 10s again. I find it's just not meaty enough otherwise.

Originally Posted by Metalman_666I like usually use 10-52 for everything from Standard to Drop C. But I think I'm going to try 11's soon. And right now I have 9-46 on.

10-52's are to flimsy on the high-e in D (standard) and drop c IMO and the 52 felt a little flobby too.

10-46 and 10-56 (7's), 13-56 in B.

for my electrics i use ernieball siny tops and heavt bottoms .10-.52 i love the thinner tops but i love the sound of heavier bottom strings just a perfect combo for me personally.

10s in standard - Newtone

11-53 ghs things for D

Not even slinkies for anything lower

10-52 on Mexi strat (standard tuning only)
10-46 on Squier (soon to be changed to 10-52, alternate ya, it barely get's used now)

I use 11-50's on my guitars. I prefer DR, Pure Blues strings.Sprinter

Optimally I'd probably have 11-70 for my 7 string and for a 6 string in drop-c I'd go for 12-56

11-50 GHS boomers. the best ive ever used. my main guitars are always in E.

LP - GHS Boomers 11-58, standard E

Strat 1 - EB 11-54, Eb

Strat 2 - GHS Boomers 13-70 (wnd 3rd), C#I'd really like a Strat I could setup with a 9-46 set, do do the things I have trouble doing on the heavy guage strings.

LP - 11-49 Ernie Ball Power Slinkys (E standard, occasionally drop-D)
Tele - 10-46 D'Addario XLs (E standard)
Acoustic - 12-53 D'Addario Phosphor Bronze (usually E standard, sometimes D standard)10-46 for guitar
50-105 for bass.

9-42 for 2 LP quot;RPSquot;
10-46 for 1 LP quot;RPSquot;
12-56 custom for both acoustics quot;Elixirquot;

On Acoustic: 13-56 Elixir
6 string standard tuning: 12-52
For the low A: 80
I think I'm going to switch to 11's though. I'm starting to feel like I'm punishing myself with the thicker strings.

I've always used 10-46's just because they seem . . . quot;rightquot;. I used to use Fender's, then switched to Ernie Ball Slinky's, which I liked alot. A few months ago I tried the Everly strings. quot;B-52'squot; and quot;Electric Rockersquot;. I have them now on all my guitars. They have a nice twang and punch that I like a lot.

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