I'm going into the studio tomorrow and I needed a good amp to record with (aka, not the Vibrolux Reverb). Ever since I played a Crate V32 Palomino, I've been thinking about how great it sounded for the cash. I want an amp to get me by until the Fargen comes back home all repaired. I was also looking for an amp that would be relatively cheap and all around very good sounding (that was the difficult part). I talked to my singer / fellow guitar player and he told me that if I ever wanted to sell the Crate that he would buy it off of me (I was initially trying to find a quality amp for him, never imagined I'd actually pony up the cash for another amp).
So in short, went to Guitar Center for a good 3 hours or so and played the crap out of that amp with my full pedalboard. I cranked the sucker listening to every nuance of the tone to see if it would work for the band. Couldn't say no to it after that amount of time, it really is a fantastic sounding amp (and I usually HATE Crates or anything that's standard production), but it's a real deal Class A 30w EL-84 tube amp that sings with my gear.
It's a 1x12 combo that is pretty lightweight (a nice surprise), it's loud as hell with good headroom and even though the EQ is shared between the clean and overdrive channels, I was able to get exactly the tone I wanted on both sides with the EQ. This one is the Guitar Center exclusive model complete with blond tolex, gold hardware, special Celestion speaker (which kicks by the way) and from what I've gathered, has more gain on tap than the 3112 and is better built.
I walked in with cash in hand and got what I feel was a pretty decent deal on it (the sound really rivals amps 4x as expensive). Brand spanking new with full warranty and all appropriate tags not to mention the special footswitch... not too shabby.
How does it sound? Sweet EL-84 chime on the clean channel that nails U2, Refreshments and Tom Petty type stuff. The overdrive is pure classic Marshall... I can see why guys like Joe Walsh have used these live.
Let's hope this amp lasts a long time without any issues. The price is right and the sound is really great (the recordings tomorrow should show that). I'm still VERY pissed about my Fargen, but I'm going to try to keep a cool head about it and wait for payment from Staples/UPS.
I've heard that Scott Lentz (among others) likes the sound of single coils through EL 84 amps, and I tend to agree.
Yeahbaby YEAH!!!!!!!
Ok... pic time
The front (I kinda dig the cosmetics, and it's only on the GC edition):The footswitch (allows for clean or overdrive and boost works for either channel... very cool):
The layout of the panel:
The new speaker that Crate is using (it's a specially made Celestion):
And the open back design:
sweet, i love V-series. Just got me a V1512 a few weeks ago. I've never played any of the palamino ones but nice score
It's a win/win situation, because you get a good sounding affordable amp, plus you get to cash out of it, and still have that sound in your band. I know it's highly unlikely, but what if you get your Fargen back, and the Crate's tone works better for you!!!??? That would be a real Catch 22. I'll fall over in my chair if that happens! LOL
And, Schecter player, nice signature! The 10 year anniversary of the OJ murder was also the 10 year anniversary of when Michael Jackson was a black human!
Chris changed his signature, otherwise I'd have 2 in one thread! I know, I'm a Fuchin idiot! LOL
Originally Posted by GearjoneserI know it's highly unlikely, but what if you get your Fargen back, and the Crate's tone works better for you!!!??? That would be a real Catch 22. I'll fall over in my chair if that happens! LOL
Chris changed his signature, otherwise I'd have 2 in one thread! I know, I'm a Fuchin idiot! LOL
I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen Joe , let's just say we'd both be falling over our chairs Thanks to you, my wait will be even more difficult because I can't wait to play that VOS channel (sounds like my end-all channel to me)
Don't worry Joe, I'm sure I'll be quoting you sometime in the near future, it's pretty hard not to sometimes
Speaking of which, what ever happened to that guy doing the New Orleans charity raffle for the Fuchs amp? He probably came up with enough charity money to go buy a Fuchs for himself!!!
For anyone interested in these amps, a guy I dealt with in the past mentioned he had one for sale...he loves it but it's not powerful enough for his band.
He was able to pick it up for $400.00 amp; that's what he wants to get out of it...says it's minty fresh with all the tags.
Anyway, I told him I'd pass the info along.....just PM me if you'd like amp; I'll put you in touch with him.
I'm not in the market myself; I've got a different fish to fry!!!
Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99For anyone interested in these amps, a guy I dealt with in the past mentioned he had one for sale...he loves it but it's not powerful enough for his band.
He was able to pick it up for $400.00 amp; that's what he wants to get out of it...says it's minty fresh with all the tags.
Anyway, I told him I'd pass the info along.....just PM me if you'd like amp; I'll put you in touch with him.I'm not in the market myself; I've got a different fish to fry!!!
$400 is a good price for a used one, I walked out the door with a new one for $500. As soon as I finish registration with a few online places, I will have my band's 3 song demo on here (it's all the Crate and I think it'll surprise a lot of people).
Very cool !
Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99Very cool !
Given your musical tastes Terry, you may really dig the stuff
EXACTLY what I was thinking!
Can't wait to hear it
looks good and if it sounds good to...that may be one of the steals of the year! i wish that color and model wasn't GC exclusive...we don't even have a GC in Louisville...IMAGINE THAT!!!
Awesome score, bro. I don't know if you can beat it for that tone in a $500 package. I'm looking forward to the clips.
Since some of you guys were interested... here is the thread where I posted the clips and the gear I used: from : localhost//forum/showthread.php?t=53857
Originally Posted by CurlyI've heard that Scott Lentz (among others) likes the sound of single coils through EL 84 amps, and I tend to agree.
I have a V1512 for 6 months now. the my fender ash strat with A2P singles and my ibanez artist with phat cats sound awesome thru it, especially the artist.
these crate v series amps are the best deals out there.
have some good pedals and you are good to go.
- Jun 21 Tue 2011 21:06
Well, I caved in... new amp in the arsenal ; )