
Been seeing some threads lately about my instrument in question and i wonder, do you bass players here at the forum use any pedals, anyone you want to recommend?

I was a pedal geek when i played guitar a couple of years ago but since i found my instruments i haven't really been into pedals. At the moment i own one which i bought on monday on my trip to Stockholm, a Digitech/DBX Bass compressor. Sounds sweet! It's silent though it isn't true bypass and does the job great! I tried the EBS Multi comp which also has band compression, i like the Digitech/DBX better.

Any hidden gems in you pedal board you want to recommend to us other bassists?

I don't like effects on my bass sound. I never even use the compression on my head.

I use a volume pedal for volume swells to get cello like sounds. And occasionally, though rarely, I hook up my John Spina modded Ibanez TS9 for a really grungy dirty bass sound, if we're playing something really raunchy, but that's about it (I wouldn't recommend doing this with a stock TS9...John's has a much better bass response and no mid hump)

I'll have to agree with the other guys, I don't like anything but bass coming from my bass.Maybe an occassional flanger sound, or something muddy,beefy, But mostly clean.

if you want i have a bass auto q i could sell to you. $80 plus shipping. its an auto wah pedal. i never use it anymore, i play bass once in a blue moon now.

Originally Posted by slash857if you want i have a bass auto q i could sell to you. $80 plus shipping. its an auto wah pedal. i never use it anymore, i play bass once in a blue moon now.must resist, must resist, must resist....taking any trades?

i've justr discovered how wonderfull a chorus sound is through your bass rig, the one im using is the Boss Super Chorus (CH-1)... i pulled it out of my guitar rig, but i sounds just as good in a bass rig. so if you not looking to change your tone distortion or anything that much and just looking to add some more interest to your sound. this pedal i would highly recomend. check it out

Once I used some weird digitech pedal at a store that made basses sound like they were goin quot;gwahh...gwah...quot; i dunno i thought it was funny.

Sometimes when i'm bassing i use my DS-1 with the gain down and the volume up as a booster but now i've realized the active pups on my bass are too much for my amp to handle...i can seriously overdrive the amp with the amp's volume around 3 so I don't use pedals I tweak my knobs...


Originally Posted by CapoFirstFretmust resist, must resist, must resist....taking any trades?

sure ill trade u for that ac30

but in all seriousness now, waht do u ahve that ur willin to part with? i never use this pedal so its of no value to me anyways.

see, I don't know....I've got a morley a/b/y box that I don't use....damn me for only having stuff I use/can't part with! if I come up with something I'll let you konw

Originally Posted by CapoFirstFretsee, I don't know....I've got a morley a/b/y box that I don't use....damn me for only having stuff I use/can't part with! if I come up with something I'll let you konw

haha its better to have stuff you need then collect junk like ive done.. if you think of somethin just pm me cuz ill prolly forget about this thread eventually.

Any other thoughts about b*** pedals? My b***ist friend asked me about them yesterday, and I wasn't sure what to tell him.

- Keith

B*** pedals are not produced in m***es. Not like guitar pedals.

I asked my b***ist if he wants to try a wahwah, or something by EHX (who make effects for b*** or effects that work well with b***). He said he would never use effects with his b***. Go figure... he's a weird guy... played death metal before he started playing b*** in our band.

my b***ist uses a chorus effect for his b***. just like duff from guns n roses used

I like the pedals Boss makes for b***. The ODB-3 and the BF-3 are awesome. The ODB-3 lets you mix clean and distorted tones, so you get the full boomy b*** response, even with heavy distortion; this effect sounds awesome with my guitar also.

My pedal board for my b*** consists of an EBS multi comp (compressor) an Ampeg scrambler (the overdrive one) and a mxr b*** di . I use the compressor pretty much all the time and the scrambler to get a wee bit o gravel/fuzz when needed, the mxr goes to the desk and i rarely use the distortion on it but it can be fun at times

Mr P

sansamp bass drive DI! can be used as a pedal for tube-like goodness and overdrive. or, can use as a preamp and go right to the board. going direct really does give a great ampeg svt-like sound. not digital emulation, all analog. i've only used it as a preamp.

Originally Posted by these_go211i've only used it as a preamp.

Meaning you've only used it in front of an amp, not going direct?

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