
im a lead guitarist and im just wantin to know if there is any way i could get an emg 81 in the bridge of my squier fat strat and what all would i have to do to it[size/]

Yes, I know it's been done. JB_From_Hell had/has a Squire with an 81 in the bridge position. He may chime in sometime, or maybe another EMG user.
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I've never done it, but I don't see why you couldn't as long as your Strat is made for a humbucker bridge. If it was me, I'd wire the 5-way so that you had neck and middle in their normal positions, and then the 81 by itself in the bridge position.

Keep one volume and tone for the single coils, and make the second tone control a dedicated volume for the EMG.

I could show you how to wire it up if need be.


I used an EMG 81 in a super cheap Squier, and it sounded great. It was strung really heavy and tuned to B, as well.

I have put a 81 in a strat. You need to get a pickguard that accepts a bridge humbucker and make shure the cavity is routed for a bucker. BTW, it most likely will be routed for a bucker.

Duh!!!! I just read that you have a fat strat!!!! It should work. The only problem you may encounter is the hole in the pickguard for the humbucker may need to enlarged a tad bit to accept the 81. No big deal. Take a file to it.

You should be aable to do it.
I did it, and my strat sounds absolutely amazing. Surprisingly, the 81 can provide some nice clean sounds too.

also would i have to remove the pickguard every time i wanted to replace my battery

Originally Posted by k17guitardudealso would i have to remove the pickguard every time i wanted to replace my battery

Some people have placed the battery under the tone knobs, then they can just unscrew those screws around that area and lift up the pickguard to change the battery, another option is routing the guitar and installing a battery holder in the back of it, or... Like I did with my Livewire for strat (18 volt) take the pickguard off.
Rock On

Originally Posted by k17guitardudealso would i have to remove the pickguard every time i wanted to replace my battery

The battery life of an EMG 81 is 3000 hours. If you played it 10 hours a day, you'd be replacing the battery every 10 months.

Yes you can do it. I have installed an emg 85 on the bridge of 2 of my strats. One of them has also two emg SA's so no prob here. On the other one i choose to keep the two stock passive single coils so i had to mix actives with passives. One way is to use the 250k Volume and tone controls for the passives and use a separate 25k volume pot for the emg. The best results i had by using the emg PA2 on the two passive single coils. What i did is i converted my strat to master volume/master tone configuration and used the space where the 2nd tone control was before, for the emg pa2 which was set on unity gain so as to act only as an impedance matcher between actives and passives(and not as a booster).

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