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Everybody laugh now. But, this thread is not to help me find an amp. It is simply a request for commentary on clean amps. For the sake of information gathering and rounding out my amp education:

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Heya all

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I have heard good things about the Pacifica 112 as a starter / intermediate guitar. Is the Yamaha EG 112 a Pacifica or a lower budget model?

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Right my mates just got a spanking new sz and i've got the same but with an sh11 and a pearly gates in da neck i was wondering if an sh14 might be too trebly for his (its gonna have an alnico pro 2 in the neck) and if so is there anything you people would reccomend (other then a jb, hes already got a jb loaded guitar) catchyas

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pick one. outta these... what ones do u like most. explain.peace.

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Score! WH-1 for $420USD....in Canada....shipped to my door....with no freakin' customs charges.

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I added a few new items to my store....Electronics upgrade kits, George L. Cables (new stock arriving on Monday 9/12), some new TonePros stuff.....

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i play with 12's. (on my toronado)
my e,a, and strings are sharp with the saddles all the way back. (no room left to tighten)

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Just wondering if anyone's used the new sd tweak fuzz? I really liked the demo given by Blues Saraceno.CoachC

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On one of my threads a few guys who frequent here said they were or already went out and bought a duncan i raved about
well this is flattering as all hell but unless i described the pup to have the exact things you need in your tone i hope i did not make anyone but a duncan that did not work out for them?

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analog gt; digital ?

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I'm just wondering how they are routed under the pickguard?

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does anybody hear have a dd coil tapped? how does it sound? what would be the benefit of splitting a pup?.......help

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Hey all,
I am going to swap the Blue Marvel out of my Peavey Classic 30 and replace it with a Celestion Greenback or the G12H30. I am play an SG Standard and I am looking for that early Cream, early ZZ Top mojo. Hard rock and dirty power blues. Want tones to be warm, creamy, buttery and chewy. You think I'm heading down the right path with these two models? The stock Peavey doesn't cut it...bass is flabby.

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I believe I have a Seynour Duncan twin stack on my strat bridge pickup. Its black and it comes with a separate toggle switch to activate either 1 or both the stacked pickups (looks like a single coil though. Best pickup for a strat bridge position with a music man amp to get a nice fat sound I installed it in the 80s and has served me well until recently (actually it got softer and then just no sound after a few days) it just died on me (no sound) . Wiring seems ok but when I touch one of the wires on the inside pickups I get some electronic click. Can someone tell me:-
1. What model it is so that I can try to rewire the whole thing again

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I want to know, my friend at the local store said the Monkey was Digitech's version of the Boss SD-1, true? IIRC i read somewhere on the net that the new Digitech D seies pedals were modeled after old DOD pedals, which pedal is the Monkey made after if that's the case?

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Anyone using the SM-1, SM-2, SM-3 ????

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Could someone please get me a soundclip under highgain, and a soundclip thats completely clean without any effects?

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I am currently shopping and had the pleasure of playing the KH202 today. It is a very nice playing instrument for $500. While on the ESP web site, I came across the DV8-R and my 17 year old's heart started pounding. LOL. For the money it looks to be out fitted very nicely. Duncans, Sprezels, Tone pros and a neck thru. Has any one laid hands on one of these beasts? Oh yeah It even comes with Dunlop strap locks all for around $800. Oh yeah one other question, where are these units put together. The 202 is lower end andbuilt in Korea.

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Remember a few months ago I made a thread about what quot;artistquot; guitar you'd like to see made? I happened to mention this. I never knew they made any.
from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...309407194amp;rd=1

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