Could someone please get me a soundclip under highgain, and a soundclip thats completely clean without any effects?
The soundclips on the site are a little weak, I can hear that the pickup is prolly what Im looking for, but I really need to hear it cranked to know.
*Cough* There should be a JB for the tele *cough*
Btw, Im not looking for the super country twang-a-bang, but I want people to still know its a tele.
I had a hot stack in a tele for a while.. I have another clip somewhere.. I'll try and find it
Tele hot stack clean and dirt
Here's another..
Hot stack tele bridge and hot stack strat in tele neck
Wow, Its really got a different tone in thoes clips than the clips on the clip website.
It does sound very tele'ish but I dont think it'd handel 80's rock, like Judas Priest and old metallica.
So If I want great cleans Great shreading tone, it looks like i'll be turning in for a set of EMG's again. (I can't find anything bad about anything EMG, except the passives *cringes*.)
Thanks for the help tho man! (yes, I do intend to use my tele to shread on, it plays as good as my platium pro warlock, if not better.)
And yea, the pickup sounds good (You're playing was excellent too), I just dont think its going to give me the versitility I want. When I hit an A chord I want the room to fill with fuzz and my hair to stand on end
I agree that a hot stack is not the pickup for 80s style shredding. If you go with Duncans, then you'd probably want a little 59 or a hot rails. Both of those are available for direct replacement in tele bridges.
I have clips of those too.
Thanks for the nice compliments
Robert S. has a Hot Stack in an American Standard Tele. He likes it ver well I believe. Maybe he has some clips....
Theres just something different about EMG's that I like.(Obviously, all my good guitars have em, because I couldn't find another pickup to give me the tone I want.) The hotrails just doesn't sound right to me, and the lil 59 sounds just about the same to my ears.
I think its the very scooped mids in the EMG's or something. They can do super high gain, or clean up and sound great.
I think the main difference is, SD pickups are for more vintage stuff, and EMG's are for 80's metal.
This is quot;thequot; sound im looking for from my tele: from : localhost/Instead of talking out my ass, i should just say, I LIKE COMPRESSION.
- Mar 22 Tue 2011 21:04
Anyone here have a tele hotstack lead bridge? I have some questions.