I finally picked up my new L.P. yesterday. I m so stoked, I stil can't believe I have the guitar. Recently there have been a few threads concerning crappy quality,a dn stores that sell crap, or don't set up guitars. My hat goes off to Music Machine, and Cramer, who made this the best money I have spent in a long time. So when I walk in the store, Cramer asks me If I am here to pick up my black '59. This is the 3rd time I have been in the store over a 6 month period, and he remembers me, and the guitar I am buying. Pretty cool. anyway they go get the guitar.cont'd
He checks out the guitar, as well as I, we go and play it, and he starts asking me how I like te action, and what changes I want.they do a complete inspection and restring it with the strings of your choice (pyramid). In that process they re-oil the fretboard (which was in good shape to start with) check the nut and all.restrung the guitar and then had me play it and see if I was satisfied. they checked for buzz and all, It was a really great buying experience. Every store should be that way!
Nice guitar, sounds like a good time. Now go and her!
My new '59 L.P. (I am not photogenic)ohhh very sweet, i love the trans black flametops...she could use a set of black speedknobs and a lighter creme or black switchtip IMO but either way that top looks great!! nice LP for sure...enjoy it!
I was really impressed with their whole approach to buting and selling guitars. It is to bad they won't be selling gibsons anymore. After Apr 15......no more. If you want a guitar from them, better do it by apr 15. there prices on Usa gibsons are about 1500 for a plaintop standard, 1700 for a figured top standard, and 2200 for any premium top if anyone is interested. They have started carrying PRS, Hamer, Gretsch, Fender, Taylor, and a few other types of guitars. here are a few more pics.I played that flametop Hamer in the middle of the bottom pic!!!!! SUPER SWEET!! THAT GUITAR IS A NINJA......IT ROCKS ALL DAY.
Props to music machine!!! great store!
Man, you just have too many great guitars. No one man (except myself) should have all those at one time. Feel free to send me the Trussart if you want to lighten the load.
droooooooooool 5th LP on the top row which looks to be amber or lemon flame top...i have a bad itch for a LP like that...next time you head back there wanna get me a price on that sexy animal...and perhaps a good closeup or two of the top...man i hate GAS and you and your pictures of sexy guitars ain't helping any lol
XSSIVE gt;.......I think that one is selling for 1700-1800. I think it is a 2003 or 2004 standard. they will be getting rid of all of there gibsons by april 15. I asked about lay away on another gibby, and I think they are gonna either sell, of have music 123 sell their remaining gibson stock so they would only do layaway until april 15. I didn't ask about their classics, I think thye are cheaper than the standards.
So, they are dropping Gibson completely by April 15th?
Originally Posted by Scott_FSo, they are dropping Gibson completely by April 15th?
Yep, all gibsons Will be shiped to illinois by april 15. In Washington you get taxed on your remaining inventory, so I think someone else is buying them, or selling them. Not sure about the specifics.
I actually think gibson kind of dropped them, or made it so they couldn't afford to sell gibsons anymore, with the internet and all.
That blows.
- Mar 22 Tue 2011 21:04
Great buying experience (New L.P. and pics)