Yeah, today I opened up the box it was mailed in, and on the bottom I found glass, and then I knew what that meant...One of the EL34's were broken, and there was shattered glass in the box and inside the amp, do you think the guarantee will cover this? I'm pretty pissed, it must have happened under transport.
Tubes should never be shipped installed in their sockets. they should be removed from the amp, boxed, and packed inside the carton with instructions for re-installing them.
Request a replacement matched quad of EL34s. The seller will blame it on the shipper, and a pi$$ing match will ensue. Eventually, if you demand a matched quad, you'll probably end up with a replacement tube or two.
If you bought the amp used, it may need tubes anyway. Go get yourself a nice quad so you can enjoy it while the arguing is going on. Even one new tube would do the trick - within reason, matching is overrated anyway. Whatever you get as settlement, keep as spares.
Well, it is not used, it is completely new, I am just worrying about the re-bias thingie.. if I need to get it biased because I change out one tube, or them all, I would need a tech, and there's no way I want to pay for something I didn't do..
Get the seller to send you a spare tube or even better pair/ quad... if not send it back for a refund and get the amp from a better dealer.
It´s clearly his fault, amps should not be shipped with tubes installed, and if he´s in teh business of selling these things, then he ought to know it... if he disregards it on purpose, all the more reason to make him bleed....
You can probably get by without rebiasing, especially if you replace with the same brand of tubes.
Well, I don't know whether the shop shipped it like this, or if it was like this from the factory, because on the box it sayd quot;Laneyquot;, so it must have been send that way from the factory..Whatever, I'll talk to them tomorrow, and try to work something out, it's just annoying that stuff like this always has to happen.
Originally Posted by Rich_SYou can probably get by without rebiasing, especially if you replace with the same brand of tubes.
Well, I hope I can go by without the re-bias then, but I am no expert, so I'll wait for more people to chime in.
By the way, we are forgetting one crucial thing: if I do the repair myself, I will lose the guarantee, isn't that how it works?
Sorry to hear about this, Sune. I hope it all gets worked out. Yes, amps should be shipped with the tubes pulled. However, in the years that I sold guitars and amps in a store, not once did any tube heads arrive with them pulled. They were all installed. The only ones that came pulled were the combo's where they hung down from the bottom of the chasis. This is not saying that it's the right way, just stating what I've seen from experience...even from Marshall (from UK to CA).
Originally Posted by SuneWell, I don't know whether the shop shipped it like this, or if it was like this from the factory, because on the box it sayd quot;Laneyquot;, so it must have been send that way from the factory..Whatever, I'll talk to them tomorrow, and try to work something out, it's just annoying that stuff like this always has to happen.
Waitasec... the shop DEFINITELY shipped it that way, unless it was drop shipped from Laney directly..... if they never opened the box but just quot;reshipped itquot;, then I wonder how they´ve managed to stay in business this long...
And you´ll ave to read your exact warranty to know whether retubing will void it or not.... some specify specific tubes /pro tech and such
Well, their site doesn't really say anything about it, at least not as far as I could see, it only said that if you receive a damaged package, you should contact them immediatly, and that I will do tomorrow.. But there might be something, somewhere on the site, I dunno, I'm not that good at german, I only understand some.
Ok, found out the tubes in the amp are quot;TAD EL34B-STR Selectedquot;, and my father will call them today for some new ones.
I've got no issues with Laney amps, i think they are ace, but thier packing department blows. I have heard loads of horror stories of amps showing up in pieces. However, it is also an issue with the seller they should have identified that it was not packed correctly before they sent it on. You should demand new tubes for it.
Yeah, that is what we're doing, lets see how it works out.
sorry to bump an old thread but there's an update.... We got an agreement with one of the workers, to send the tubes and get some new ones.. And then we send them..But guess what? Then some other ******bag from marketing interfered, and now he wants us to ship the whole amp to Germany, and that's pretty expensive..We already send them the tubes and now they change the agreement? Well, they better give me a completely new amp then, like they said they would at first, instead of just repairing it.
Originally Posted by Rich_STubes should never be shipped installed in their sockets. they should be removed from the amp, boxed, and packed inside the carton with instructions for re-installing them. .You got that right
I just hope they'll send me a completely new one, like they said at first. But I will be able to tell when I receive it, sometime in the uncertain future.
That Sux. The Classic 30 I got for Christmas 2 years ago arrived in its original Peavey box with a UPS label slapped to the outside. The box had a soft corner on it. It had a broken preamp tube and one of the reverb springs was snapped off and stuck to the speaker. I always wondered what had happened to that amp because the reverb 'bag' was nowhere to be found in the box.
Shipped back to seller via UPS inspection site. Took me a month to get a replacement. Luckily I was home when UPS pulled up. The driver was about to 'roll' the box down the passenger side steps instead of taking it on a truck out the back because it was 'heavy'. I carried it off the truck for him.
That one was in original Peavey box with tubes installed. But my version has tube retainer clips.
Originally Posted by bert123The driver was about to 'roll' the box down the passenger side steps instead of taking it on a truck out the back because it was 'heavy'. I carried it off the truck for him.
Pure abuse
This is why I mark anything of value like this, whether it be an amp or guitar, as FRAGILE! It's amazing how differently they'll handle a box marked FRAGILE.
- Mar 22 Tue 2011 21:04
opened the box of the Laney today...