
Well, I thought of that for a brief second in my mind I was rewiring a guitar that I'm selling and also working on some various pedals mods this afternoon and when I got done, I *thought* I turned off my surge protecter that the soldering iron was plugged into. Well, I was wrong After getting out of the shower, I immediately could smell something but couldn't place it. At first, I thought maybe it was the guy working downstairs on the new floors...but it wasn't.

I went into my room and saw a steady plume of smoke coming from under my EXP :x I saw the soldering iron sticking out of the corner, underneath the guitar, and immediately went for. Once I had it put away, I checked the guitar out. Luckily, it was just the back but there was some definite damage

The lowest/longest corner at the bottom had been burned into and that section of the body was *Really* hot. The paint chipped and started to fall off...The part of the body that had direct contact with the iron's tip was totally charred and is just ash :x

Lesson for today, watch those soldering irons

that's so badass! your guitar rules now.


I torched the finish on my 1959 Les Paul Special with a soldering iron. Don't feel bad, there's always someone more inept than you in the world!

that gives the meaning to a real quot;flamequot; top........oh, zing! buh dum, CHISH!!!!

oh man that sucks...sorry to hear/see that.


Yeowch! I must admit though, that is one cool battle scar!

It looks cool, but dont worry at all. It's quite an easy fix.

I'm actually ok with it and it doesn't bug me. None of my guitars have been or ever will be trophy pieces I'll play them until they fall apart


You are lucky you caught it when you did. You could have burned the whole place down. Hopefully you will be more careful next time

I've never actually burned an instrument, but my number one Strat has quite a collection of nicks and scratches caused by my clumsiness. I once ran over it with a minivan while it was in a gig bag - amazingly nothing was wrong with it.

Anyway, at best it's a cool battle scar that adds character, and at worst it's a reminder to unplug your iron when you're done with it!

For sure I'm usually pretty careful about that since I'm working with the iron all the time, but something must have been up today.


yeah, I'm usually cool when stuff gets scared, but if that bothers you, it's quite easy to cover something like that up

I think it'll buff out.

You could make something out of that, either route it out and have a cool desing show through or install something, some kind of booster, digital clock, fish bowl, gps tracker

Bad luck, but I guess if it had no impact on the tone of the guitar (had it?), it's not too bad, unless... Was it the one you were supposed to sell?

Well... at least... now you've got a Hot Rod Explorer and you can say it has a reverse sunburst place on the body...

COOOOOOOOOL. That looks SO rock 'n' roll!!!!!!

Nah, I was working on another Explorer and that was the one for sale (And it sold). The black one that got burned is just my beater explorer. It's definitely a workingman's guitar

But I'm totally cool with it and I'm only going to fill the center (where the ashes are) and leave it at that.

It was really a weird day though, lots of stuff went wrong for me.


Bah, the guitar is just fine, that can be buffed out

But seroiusly, if you wanted to do a woodburn graphic then power to you, but you really should have done more research before you started IMO Originally Posted by Monty-JayI'm actually ok with it and it doesn't bug me. None of my guitars have been or ever will be trophy pieces I'll play them until they fall apart


And most ESP/LTDs never will be, either (although that looks more like a Gibson Gothic i the pics....)

I sanded off the finnish of my cheap Kramer in the late 80's and painted it white with car spray cans.. then i flicked model paint at the body... different colours and i used a small paint brush and flicked paint at the body.... looked cool.... then for more fun i set the body on fire hanging from a tree to make the upper arm look worn in..... that new coat of Car paint went up in flames really fast!!! The whole body was on fire in seconds, but i grabbed my garden hose and put it out.... It looked pretty cool!!! The fire didn't do all that much damage seemed to just really harden the paint up but i did get the effect i wanted......

I've been wanting to make a homemade body and try that paint job again but minus the fire bit...


At first, my comment was going to be that it would just need a simple touch up to the finish. After looking at it some more though, it looks really cool, especially on that body. Don't change a thing!

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