Okay,I seem to have the problem with the uploads solved,so here',s the pics of the Spidey guitar neck.
Again,I applogize for the photography.
The image on the front is etched,the Spidey on the back is hand painted and the name is done in outlined goldleaf.
whoa... it's a faint spidey but noticable on the fretboard.. very cool!
Wow reminds me of a tattoo, nice work
Cool. Do you plan on getting it colored?
The image is etched into the wood.I drew it out,cut the lines,filled with coloured epoxy and sanded smooth.
This was the first one that I did,more of an experiment really.I'm going to muck with the idea to get it fleshed out,with more colour and detail.
etched fretboard? wow!
*cues spiderman theme song
Originally Posted by pac112etched fretboard? wow!
*cues spiderman theme songThanks,I thought it may be a simple alternative to inlaying that would allow me more image flexability but more permanent than paint.
- Mar 22 Tue 2011 21:04
Spiderman Guitar neck pics