Here's something that I put together quickly just so you could get an idea of what my little Silvertone 1471 sounds like. I played my HH Tele neck only('59), into Spina SD-1(Level 11, Tone 2, Drive 9) into the Silvertone(Vol maxed). Recorded with the onboard mic in the monitor of my computer(pretty crappy)and tracked it with N-track Studio.
from : localhost/
Man, I just love Silvertone sludge!! The room mic just captures what this amp does perfectly. It is gritty and nasty. Very cool clip. I will never sell my 1483 head. They just have too much mojo.
Thanks, it's got mojo and then some....I'll never get rid of mine either! I can't wait to get a couple of good mics to record this. One for up close and one for ambiance in the room. I can't believe how big a little amp can sound when recorded.
Dude that is some very nice organic tone. The distortion is very smooth.. nice playing too. What kind of volume were you playing at?
Thanks Steve! The amp was maxed on volume and sitting about a foot from the computer mic. The Silvertone being only 6 watts with an 8quot; speaker is very easy to sit directly in front of and play without blowing out your ears. Now I wouldn't do that when I play through a 2x12, but even then sit 4 feet from it and no problem.
Hehe great little tonebox.
Earthy tones
- Mar 22 Tue 2011 21:04
Silvertone Blues(1471/Spina SD-1/'59n)