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Mine would probably be my 3 year old Single Rectifier Series II. Very easy to achieve nice tones with the single pair of 6L6's so it's always the go-to amp.

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I just scored a pretty nice, unused Warmoth scalloped neck off of ebay. It's maple with a maple fretboard so I know it needs to be finished. The guy I bought it from doesn't seem to know if it's finished; but when I got it this afternoon I realized it feels and looks sort of like it has a satin finish on there. I don't know how to tell if it's finished or not - my only experience with maple necks is with my sticky, glossy Fender neck.

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In the same amp, what would be the differences between a ceramic magnet 100 watt 12 inch EV, and a Celestion Vintage 30?

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I've seen folks write things to that effect and, to be honest, I'm baffled. I mean, if it's too easy, doesn't that mean that it's actually harder?
Is this along the lines of over-assisted power steering where you don't get any feedback through the steering wheel?I don't know about too easy, but my guitar is almost too fast. When I first got it, I had to get used to it, because I'd slide past where I was wanting to go. I haven't had any problems lately, though.

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Hey all,
I'm selling a brand new ESP George Lynch guitar at a killer price.. Screamin' Demon of course. Check it out!

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...e=STRK:MESE:IT

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just curious if there are any other amps in the twin headroom range for cleans

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What type of tone can you get with 59ers in all positions in a Standard strat (mexicaster)? And i'm not sure if this is true but i read somewhere ( i have forgoten where) that by having a lil 59 in the bridge and duckbuckers in the neck and middle, you can attain quot;'59 Les Paul/'57 Strat tonequot;

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I want to retube my HRDlx. It's still got the factory Groove Tubes from two or three years ago (I got it used). Three 12AX7s, two 6L6s. V1 is clean channel, V2 is OD channels, and V3 is phase inverter. I like my cleans to be punchy and articulate, and my OD to be fairly transparent and punchy. I'm pretty happy with the cleans, but it could always improve. Any suggestions? I'm not very familiar with different tubes. Thanks

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I have a TSL 100 and would like to use an OD as a solo boost. I have a tone driver right now and in front of the amp doesn't kick in much noticble volume at all. In the FX loop the volume works but realy affects tone badly.

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And my Kramer is about to become a two pickup guitar instead, so I'll snag the two old APS-1's neck and middle out of it, and now I just got hold of an APS-2 bridge single, but the last time I tried one...hmm it was along time ago and the guitar subjected to the test was not a fave of mine, anyone who has something to say about them??
I gather that it will sound very close to one of my old setups with APS-1's all over the line, that I rather liked, guess it will loose alittle of that airy topend now that it is a flat staggered one.

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Thinking about selling a sweet tone machine, but can not figure the right price...

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So i'm out doing some shopping this morning and I happen to be by GuitarCenter when they opened up today, so I walk in. The first thing that catches my eye is a new les paul standard limited for $850. I pick it up and fiddle with it for a few minutes, being the impulse buyer that I am I tell the quot;dudequot; behind the counter i'll take it. He says quot;sorry dude but I can't sell it to youquot;.. I'm like quot;why not? it's on the floor with a price tag on it, I want to buy it.quot;.... he tells me quot;well dude you can't buy it until the 4th of july sale on next Monday, we open at 8am.quot; So I say ****it and leave pissed... excitement to anger in about 45 seconds. Here is the LP that im talking about
from : localhost/www.gibson.com/Products/Gibso...tandard LE/#

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I want to get rid of my half stack and get a combo amp prefer something with 2 speakers. I like tube combos the best but cant find one amp to do everything i want i play everything from country and blues type stuff to metal. I am considering a laney combo but don't know much about them. i really like the vox modeling amps as well. i play several different guitars from a tele to les pauls. what do you guys think or have any other brands to check out.

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im a lead guitarist and im just wantin to know if there is any way i could get an emg 81 in the bridge of my squier fat strat and what all would i have to do to it[size/]

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the bridge volume pot on my explorer is crap, it crackles like hell when you try to turn it down, so i figure why not rewire everything while im at it. so anyway, what do you guys reccomend for the pot value? i think this one is 300k, but thats a pure guess. id probably just get another 300 as long as nobody has a strong argument for a 250k or 500k, but if you do, go ahead and say...

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Hey guys, im about to buy a seymour duncan AH1bg, but was there ever such a thing?!i have checked through the hole site, and google, and found no info on an allan holdsworth humbucker!?does any one know if this is for real or just falsely named?!thanx

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I was going to custom order one with an ebony fret board but decided I'd go with a rosewood (since I already have ebony on the Dean). I went with Wolfe Guitars...a little more money but his reputation and specs on the guitar prompted me to go there. The guitar is exactly what I'd order if I did a custom order (after reading Kanight's reviews on his). I'm not sure about the Seth Lovers (see post in pickup lounge) but I've heard so many rave reviews about them from LP players I figured I'd give them a whirl.

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For sale to a good home:

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