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Whats the difference? Is there a difference? Is one better than the other?

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what is a leslie rotating speaker worth? i know theres tons of pedals that replicate the sound, but i have never ran across a real original leslie until now. they are askin $400 for it and it has been sitting in an old warehouse for years. is there anything i should check on it before buying it? what kind of problems are common to them? i am not very familiar with them at all so any info about them would be greatly appreciated.

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Have any of u thought about trying out a new guitar or amp that u thought was going to be great only to discover by playing it that the guitar it turned out to suck? For me it was a rickebacker 360. I looked at my musicians friend magazines for months thinking wow that guitar looks awesome, until i went to Sam Ash and tryed it out and i absolutely hated it. From the sticky neck and fretboard to the bright dull sound, the guitar just wasnt for me. Any of u have similar experiences?

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I just got a used Invader, cause the price was right. I've always thought the Invader sounded too muddy, and after installing it in my Ibanez (which is quite bright) I still believe the same thing.
So I want to try some pickup modification on this thing. I would like to try putting an A5 magnet in it to make it sound more like a JB, or possibly remove some of the 3 Ceramic magnets to make it more like a Distortion.

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Anyone had any experience with it? What is it capable of?

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I'm dabbling in the realm of picking up new pick-ups for my Epi LP standard but i've only just begun. What combos of pickups, pick up-selector, paint,etc... has anyone done to their own? Anything! i just wanna read about things i can do to get some ideas. Thanks

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Hi everyone!
I was just planning on buying a new set of strings, and maybe a new volume pot for my EMGs.. I was wondering how much stuff like that costs around the globe, and do those prices affect your maintenance in any way?

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Mhmm well yeah, for xmas I think I'll buy myself a wah. I don't know why. I guess everyone needs one really? So yeah... I'd like to be able to handle a lot of gain, to be easily modeable (hehehehe...) and to be able to just stay in one position for leads (to get this nasal like tone I love).

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I'm trading for my first humbucker equiped guitar... trouble is, I've never liked humbuckers. To my ears, they have always sounded like somebody put a blanket over the amp (flame retardant suit)
What would you suggest for the most lively sounding buckers... not necessarily bright, but with some air in there.

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I want to buy a fender telecaster. I want to put in two humbuckers. I want a JB in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck. I dont want to try and cut the pickguard to fit the humbucker myself, I would just like to buy a pickguard pre cut for a humbucker in the neck. I have looked every where and cant find the pickguard I'm looking for. Someone please give me some places on the net to check out. Also do you guys think that would be choice of pickups together? I want it to sound like Nirvana/Led Zeppelin. HELP!

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I've seen a few threads about Line 6 vs. Vox Valvetronix, but now I want to hear about the Line 6 products vs. other Line 6 products.

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This will be a bit long, but I just want you to understand why I think how I think (in other words, why you shouldn’t think I’m nuts ).

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I'm looking to get a white Evolution neck pickup for a quot;Bad Horsiequot; project. Anyone wanting to get rid of one, let me know.

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i've been really digging hendrix alot lately in his gentler songs from his blues compilation. A different style, but rooted in tradition. Aggressively smooth is how i'd describe it. A good blues interpreter in my book, and he wouldn't take 30 minute solos to butcher his own playing.

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i have an invader in the bridge i was wondering if sd do a neck invader and if so whats the difference

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self explanatory. just a nice set of pearloid replacement heads for your 3x3 Sperzel tuners.
NOS havent been installed.

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Well, I got the pedal back on Wednesday, and spent a couple days playing around with knobs. This pedal is a totally different animal than it was when I bought it. Before, it was a decent distortion box, but it was VERY sensitive to knob placement. There were only a few settings you could dial up that weren't overly fizzy, thin, and brittle. No longer.

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Anybody use a Phat Cat in the bridge position?..... i really like the CC in my Les Paul for gain and overdrive, but its not good enough for clean, which is what i primarily the sound i play with. Its a little undefined with too much mids and not enough clarity all around

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Just put it in the neck of my alder/maple tele and it sounds awesome! very clear and smooth and sounds very good clean and overdriven. the hi notes are so crisp and there is hardly any muddyness in the low end great pup.

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Good, bad . . . ugly?

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