
Fellow forum dudes,

I finally found my lefty Jazzmaster listed on Harmony Central. This will be the first time I bought a guitar without playing it but being a lefty I'll have to compromise. The part I really feel uneasy about is the actual money transaction. I've bought stuff through eBay which has the paper trail and security, but this will be strictly between me and the seller. I suggested COD or PayPal and he didn't agree to either. He said he has a great reputation and rattled off a bunch of guitar shops. He lives in Canada so maybe COD isn't an option???

Anyway, is there any of you out there that's done this? Are there safer alternatives than just mailing a check and hoping that a guitar will arrive in my mailbox in a week?

Thanks for any advice.


Where in Canada is he? You might be able to drive over if he's near the border...other than that, I can't see any way. With a private sale, it's trust that funds it.

I would not feel very easy about the either. I can understand his not wanting to pay Paypal's fees, but a COD would be on you. I would do COD or nothing at all.

Check out What you need to do is get a middle man involved. Someone who will look out for the interest of both parties. Someone who will make sure both parties have sent their fair share before each gets what they need. The program works and the fees associated are a joke compared to what would happen if the deal ran south on you. If he refuses to use a program that will protect both of you, he's a thief and you shouldn't even attempt further communication with him.

I've just bought 2 guitars off Ebay UK, and paid for both of them by cheque. It's always an anxious wait for the cheque to clear, guitar to be mailed etc... I'm glad I did it (although it gave me another dilemma, see Fender v's Gamp;L), but if you don't feel comfortable with it then don't do it. You have to look after your own interests.

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