
This is probably an old subject, but search didn't turn it up. I've put a JB Junior in the bridge of an American Strat and got it to work (of course) by reversing the lead-ground wires. The notch position above it is then out of phase (which doesn't really bother me) but iquot;m wondering if there is a way to have the whole enchilada. Thanks

With a JB in the bridge, the only position where phase is an issue would be the #4 notch position. If you reverse the wires for that position to be in phase, all other positions will be in phase also.

Am I understanding your question correctly?


(I'm assuming #4 to be the bridge/middle position.)

Why did you have to reverse lead/ground wires? I'm not sure I understand...

Thanks Artie, you understood me correctly.

Darkside I was referring to the necessity when combining Duncan and Fender pu's of reversing the hot and ground wires on the Duncan to get proper phasing.

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