hey all. Whats a good effects board for around 200 bucks, I want to get something to replace my 5 year old dying rp300. I mainly use chorus, reverb and distortion, while everyonce in a while ill play with a flanger or phaser, though not as important.
目前分類:title (5999)
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Whats a good lower cost effects board
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
WTB: Air norton/Tone Zone.
Hails guys
is there anyone selling these pickups?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
DR Pure Blues Strings
I had been using 9-42's Fender strings, but the unwound strings sounded very twangy when unplugged. Then, I tried the 10-46 Fenders. Good sound but still twangy sounding.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Decent pair of headphones?
Well, it's time to face facts... I'll soon be moving into an apartment and just won't be able to crank my amp up to play. I'm looking to buy a practice rig soon, either a Line 6 POD or one of the new Fender G-DECs and a pair of headphones. I'd like to keep the cost of headphones limited to $50-60 at the most, what would you guys recommend?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Best poweramp for an ADA mp-1?
Please provide suggestions.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Hey everyone! First time here. I have a gretsch electromatic pro jet and I want to replace the pickups with mini humbuckers. Does anyone know if this will fit? Is there something else I should consider? Also.....where can I get chrome mounting rings for the mini's. Thanks in advance!
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
HELP!!! I need a distortion pedal???
Guys, can u help? I'm looking for a distortion pedal. One that can preferably sit on the floor and be stomped on amp; off with my foot. It should distort the sound by applying a quot;distortion likequot; quality to the sound. I'm not picky whether it has true or false bypass. But it should definately be either yellow, green, orange, red, white, blue, black, or brown in color.
Oh, amp; I'm gonna want to plug my guitar into it.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Newbie post: What the hell is the difference between neck and bridge pickups?
Im sure this questions has been asked before. If someone could direct me to a thread that answers this I'd be greatful.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
i tried p.m.-ing you, but it seems you are a very popular guy. i am in need of a pickup replacement. i need a duncan antiquity II strat rw/ rp. do you have any in stock? (you dont have them listed on your site). please either post on this or p.m. me.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Johnny Lang's gear
i have listened to langs albums over and over and tried researching google with no results of his present or past gear.i dont want to reproduce his sound,just curious as to what he uses for pedals.i know the guitar is his tele...but what pickups?duncans maybe?
any one?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
for a student,differences between the JB and dimebucker?
My one student loves the JB in my one LP and so do i but like the EMG 81 moreso
He has a basswood ibanez i think it is a RG 470?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Playing midi amp through computer..
Hey guys. My Roland VGA3 has a MIDI output, like the Line 6 gear. I assumed that if I plugged my midi output into my laptop, the amp would play through the speakers that the laptop are hooked up to. My laptop has a port for output (speaker system I have) and an input for microphones. I assumed I would have to plug the amp into the microphone input, I have the right cable adapter. When I do this, I hear nothing. Am I missing another piece of equipment? Do I need a special program? Thanks for any help.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Looper Pedals
Hey guys.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Continuing on the theme of LP's, do you prefer the look of open coil or covered pups?
I thought I was a covered pickup guy on Les Pauls until I started checking out Slash's axes as well as Jimmy Page's open coil bridge pickup and I'm liking the look. To me open coils give it a sort of raw, modern look. But I'm still undecided about which to replace mine with. How 'bout you?
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Ideas on removing a stuck screw...
I have a Phillips haed screw stuck in my Standard. I put on Dunlop Straplocks, using the original (Dunlop) screws, but the screw in the neck joint will not go in all the way (the back end went in fine). Me, in my infinite stupidity, tried to screw it in any way and now it is stuck. The screwhead is very near to being stripped out, and there is about 1/4quot; gap for the straplock to move. Any suggestions on what to do? I was thinking about cutting the screw off with some snips and try to unscrew the shaft using some pliers. I'm pretty sure any snips that would be strong enough would be too thick to get in there and not scratch the body though.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Ground Zero?
Could someone please list most of the grounding problems you get when wiring a guitar, as my guitar functionally works ok, but i just get this constant humming and buzzing. I'm just trying to eliminate any errors that i might have made. Thanks
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Plastic pickup covers...
My apologies if this question has already been covered in previous threads... also maybe this is a stupid question, but, here goes: Can the plastic covers on pups be removed and replaced? In other words to make a white pup black, for example. If so, how do you go about removing the plastic covers without damaging the pup, and are different colored plastic covers available for order from SD or elsewhere? Thank you.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
BC Rich NJ Warlock Bass
BC Rich NJ Warlock BassMy friend is thinking of purchasing one. Tell me your thoughts on this bass. Because he's purchasing this over the internet, quality control is an important factor.Thanks guys,Bee
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Well, I've decided to give her up...
and Prunella must go. She's been really good to me for several years now, but I just can't justify keeping her around. I have found a new love, and I must set Prunella free. It's really for her own good. In case you've forgotten, this is what she looks like:My Dad offered to buy her about a month ago, and I couldn't part with her. However, I really need to pay for the Taylor (as yet unnamed), and I'm really enjoying the Fly Deluxe (also unnamed). At least this way she remains in the family.