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I know about copper shielding and also I just found out about the inner wire they sell thats shielded, Just out of curiosity is there anytning else in a guitar you can possibly shield? are there shielded pots?

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... is GAS.

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so.... two thursdays ago was supposed to be a very nice day for me and Pureoldsound (fellow forumite).
His long awaited guitar was supposed to arrive on his doorstep and finally be in his hot little hands.

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Hi I am looking for an overdrive...

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from : localhost/must be the first to have gotten the new 9v pedals.

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I've been saving for an RG for the last little bit, and I'm just looking for some final opinons before I take the plunge.

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Hey guys. I just got an idea. I own this Epiphone SG G-400 that I've put a lot of work into to make it play great, but since doing all that work, I have become a total P-90 guy. This guitar is routed for humbuckers. I had a project idea - buy a full face pickguard and route the guitar for P-90s. Is this possible? Would I run into any problems? Where could I buy an SG classic pickguard?

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Anyone have experience with this pedal? I want a pedal to pull of very tight and articulate overdriven tunes (a la Phish, String Cheese Incident, etc.) and wanted to know your all's thoughts...

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asking in advance because I'm not sure which nut width to order for a strat neck. Probably the standard 1 5/8.

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I am in the process of changing the switch on my pickup booster as it is giving me lots of headaches and Samp;D support is not replying to my mails...

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i got a ibanez rg 470...and im trying to change the stock bridge pickup which is an ibanez V8....
im going to change it to a dimarzio tonezone

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Hey Guys... do you know if there's any problems with wiring Texas Hots @ Neck amp; Mid with a Split Non-Antique SD Humbucker in the Bridge (I mean polarity wise)?

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Hey, folks, I redid this song. I like how it turned out The bass part was fun to play and the drums are my Alesis SR-16.

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Looks like it might be the POD XT. They're going to have me plugged directly into the mixer anyway from the line out. No use even using an amp. I can just go direct to mixer with a POD XT or V-AMP2 or POD 2.0. I loved this jazz sound i heard: from : localhost/

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Anyone know of any?

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Well as some of the regulars here know I've been asking questions regarding baritone guitars for a while now and I think I've settled on wht I'm going to get finally.

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I've been looking around at modeling amps from Fender, Vox, and Line6 and I was wondering, in y'all's opinion, which is quot;the bestquot;?

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what say you? one trick pony?? usable tool?

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What pickups do you typically use? P90s, buckers, singles... which models?

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