
Looks like it might be the POD XT. They're going to have me plugged directly into the mixer anyway from the line out. No use even using an amp. I can just go direct to mixer with a POD XT or V-AMP2 or POD 2.0. I loved this jazz sound i heard: from : localhost/

Click on the EJ cleans.

I still will need an amp for rehearsals. It does'nt need to be over 30 watts or tube or anything. The guy before me was using a fender practice amp for practice (which i don't want to do.)

Ok, i need to play one of these next weekend.

I played in a church, for about a year, that had a no guitar amps policy for the stage, and we used in-ear monitors. I used a pod, for my tones, with the footpedal. It was the original version of the pod. I thought it was great, and the newer versions sound even better. The XT is a pretty cool package. You might also check out the Vox Tonelab SE I've only played it a little, but I would probably buy it over the POD. It seems to have just a notch more realism in the models.

I dabbled with both the podxt and vox tonelab for a while. Owned both. Ending up selling both in the end too. Definately not a replacement for an amp, and even as a recording tool, I prefer guitarport.

I love my pod xt and the ej clean patch I use a lot....I wish I still had my clips...message jeff-h and see if he still has my clips (had my HD fail and lost it all)
anyways ya im a big podxt fan and am saving up for either the xt live or the vetta. chris

Ok, thanks guys. I think it'll be a pod for live playing and a 30 watt valvetronix for rehearsals.

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