Crate GFX1200H - 100 watts @ 4 Ohms, 60 @ 8 ohms
3 channels
Built in digital effects
Footswitch and Insert cable included
from : localhost/$125.00 USD shipping
Crate GX412S - 200 watts handling Mono (4 or 16 ohms)
100 watts handling Stereo (8 ohms per side)
4 Crate 50 watt speakers
MDF construction
also known as the quot;larger cabinet with castersquot;
from : localhost/$150.00 USD Shipping
Shure SM57 -including 12 to 18 inch telescoping stand
and XLR to 1/4 inch cable (roughly 20 feet long)
asking $100.00 USD shipped to CONUSBBE 362 Sonic Maximizer -Ganged Stereo control
Barely used
Still in original box
asking $65.00 USD shipped to CONUS
bump again
is my stuff really that bad that no one wants to buy it?
No, but the BBE is probably 110 Volts and therefore useless to me
yes it is 110 sorry
bump for the evening.
bump, this stuff has to go so MAKE OFFERS
4x12 100 shipped
BBE 35 shipped
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:56
gear for sale ... once again