
whos got the best price? im thinking of getting a cannabis rex or swamp thang for a tasty little 5e3 i got from scott. it has a texas heat in there now which i like but i could use a little extra umph and the other two are more sensitive

dave at avatar has eminence's as does US Speaker as does Weber. I've dealt with all three of them.

cool, thanks!!
fyi the amp sounded great at the gig. with a maple neck strat the tone was balanced and full with a nice bite when the guitar was full up. i ran the channels jumped and the volumes around 9, tone full up. the first few frets on the low strings are a little farty at that volume so a light touch is necessary but plenty usable.

with a 57 ri gold top with antiquitys it sounded killer with the volumes around 4 or 5

it was just loud enough, barely which is why i want to try a speaker thatll give a little extra volume.

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